Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Conspiracy Cafe with George Freund -"Ascension" 2012-05-22

 FBI Agent goes missing. Allegations they're all insane. False flag raised in Chicago NATO summit. Three stooges arrested. Did Stephen Ivens stop the next terror attack? Ninth Circuit Court approves torture applies the concept of benefit of a doubt upon the State. The Constitutional Republic saved in New York court by playrights, activists, authors and an MP from Iceland. Daring Judge finds NDAA provisions for arrest UNCONSTITUTIONAL! Brits go for secret trials too. Free speech banned by insult. Terror Theatre is crony capitalism. ICC witnesses paid or coerced. Cops do torture. Barack's book blurb said KENYA. Real terror bombing in Italy. Euro slide inevitable. Out of the mouths of babes young girls describes the debt money solution. Facebook follies dodge taxes. New protest laws in Quebec get more protests. It's all in your mind. The top ten things you're taught to hate. The Pacific Ocean is dying as if anyone cares. Russian killed in Royal murder plot. BBQ'd babies on the menu. Epilepsy drug worse than Thalidomide. Ascension on Conspiracy Cafe. Rise above the rest.
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