Monday, January 6, 2020

CBC celebrates Antifa in new documentary

CBC’s The Fifth Estate aired a broadcast on antifa Sunday night, and at times the 30-minute episode read more as an advertisement for the extremist group than an investigative report.

“Right-wing hate is growing everywhere, including Canada. And it is being met with a movement desperate to stamp it out.” Fifth Estate host Gillian Findlay said, introducing antifa. The activists The Fifth Estate utilized for the episode were mostly anonymous.

No mention was made of the antifa assaults on CBC and Global News videographers, and the promises of violence against journalists from Canadian Antifa Black Bloc. And despite montages of politicians warning of the threat of far-right violence, The Fifth Estate also failed to note that both the FBI and Homeland Security in the United States have repeatedly warned of the violent threat posed by antifa.

At one point in the documentary, Findlay oversees the doxing of two alleged members of Quebecois nationalist group Atalante. Their names, photos, and places of employment are broadcasted in full by CBC, without redactions of any kind.

When asked about freedom of speech, one antifa member said, “We believe they are not entitled to say things that will threaten the rights and safety of other people.” And then went on to praise violence as a necessary component of their activity.

After Findlay challenged another antifa activist on doxing individuals who had not committed any crimes, he says “A neo-nazi project is by definition a violent program. The difference is that I don’t have a hateful project. My project is based on diversity and inclusion.”

The Fifth Estate’s episode emphasized white supremacist and right-wing violence as a growing concern and comes at a time when a wave of anti-Semitic attacks by Black Hebrew Israelites and affiliated actors is gripping many Jewish communities.

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