Saturday, August 20, 2011

Conspiracy Cafe: 2011-08-18: Singularity

Was Anders Breivik a cyborg? The advances in robotics. Pentagon making synthetic organisms. The Blue Brain project. Singularity: sentient, self replicating artificial intelligence a pet project of the elites at Ames Research facility. Richard A. Clarke's warning about a decision point on resistance. Fringe. Anders Breivik returns to Utoya. The murder of Australian Prime Minister Holt. BBC DJ Murdoch's latest victim? Hacking suspect from 9/11 hotspot Delray Beach, Florida. We have the POWER British government. Paedophilia among the stars. Jersey Island mass stabbing. ARK movement related to serial killers. UK raids safety deposit boxes again. Obama's battle bus. U.S. jobs to China. EU says more union. On Conspiracy Cafe it's Singularity.

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