Friday, December 1, 2023

If I was going to dismantle the United States here’s how I’d do it

1. Criticize belief in God, make it sound absurd and fanciful. Associate  it with bigotry and ostracism.

2. Entice men with sexual immorality and alcoholism to numb them so they will abandon all self-control and virtue, making them unable and unwilling to resist tyranny.

3. Pit wives against their husbands to undermine the authoritative structure of the home, causing families to break down and wives to abandon their duties to their children and husband.

4. Teach children to disrespect their parents and elders so they will reject familial and cultural traditions.

5. Abduct schools to propagandize and corrupt the morals of the coming generation who will then be used to propel the cultural revolution.

6. Bribe and blackmail judges and politicians to usurp control of the legislative and judicial branches and begin to pass wicked laws to further accelerate moral degradation.

7. Utilize overtaxation and bad economic policy to deprive men of their wages and outsource local production and labor thereby obliterating the middle class.

8. Promote infanticide and promiscuity  to eliminate the passing of traditional values through the household.

9. Shame promoters of patriotism and nationalism while endorsing multiculturalism and diversity. This will destroy any sense of unity amongst the people.

10. Open the country’s borders to flood it with uncivilized, military aged males who have no loyalty to the United States and will not obey its laws.

11. Divide the population along political, racial, and economic lines to provoke animosity and fuel civil war to justify use of totalitarian power.

12. Capture the news media to ensure total control of information and engage in daily psychological warfare against the people.

13. Rig or steal every federal and regional election to ensure that none of your power is lost and the people remain under constant subjugation.

Sounds familiar? It should. We’re living through it right now.

For the love of all that is Holy, give up the silly myth that it is possible to remain religiously neutral in the affairs of our country.

Every society is ruled by a god. It’s not a matter of if we’ll have a god, but which God we will have.

As for me, I reject these earthly gods and choose the one, true God—Jesus Christ. Submit yourself to His rule, because He is overthrowing every throne and authority that arrogantly exalts itself against Him.

And He cannot lose.

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