Wednesday, February 1, 2012

The Century Of The Self-Full Length Documentary

The Century Of The Self-Full Length Documentary .This is the greatest documentary ever made - in my opinion. I love the honest detail, the family, kingmaker and 'last interviews they'll ever give' quality to all of Adam Curtis's interview/talking head clips, as well as his unwavering commitment to plaiting the three or four threads that he illuminates in a way I cannot see how any intelligent person can't appreciate. It is breathtaking how relevant (UK riots perhaps?) these bodies of work still are. Incredible.The politicians where scared the markets where going to freak out with the deficit being 300 billion and know it's 14 trillion and people are fine with that now . It would be nice if the school system actually taught you economics or anything useful in your daily life."This documentary is never about stupidity of one country or the other. It is about you, yourselg. How do you think of each situation? and why? What is the 'we'? Intelligent, irrational, animal like behavior, selfish? To many in both business and government, the triumph of the self is the ultimate expression of democracy, where power is truly moved into the hands of the people. Certainly the people may feel they are in charge, but are they really? The Century of the Self by Adam Curtis tells the untold and controversial story of the growth of the mass-consumer society. How is the all-consuming self created, by whom, and in whose interest?

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