“No matter if the science of global warming is all phony…
climate change provides the greatest opportunity to
bring about justice and equality in the world.”
– Christine Stewart,
fmr Canadian Minister of the Environment
climate change provides the greatest opportunity to
bring about justice and equality in the world.”
– Christine Stewart,
fmr Canadian Minister of the Environment
“We’ve got to ride this global warming issue.
Even if the theory of global warming is wrong,
we will be doing the right thing in terms of
economic and environmental policy.“
– Timothy Wirth,
President UN Foundation
Even if the theory of global warming is wrong,
we will be doing the right thing in terms of
economic and environmental policy.“
– Timothy Wirth,
President UN Foundation
WHEN prosecuting the case for “unprecedented” man-made Global Warming, the first thing you need to make sure of is that no recent climate era was as warm or warmer than the present, even if that means having to rewrite the past to fit your narrative.
THE Medieval Warm Period, also known as the Medieval Climate Optimum (due to conditions favoured for crops, life and civilisation to thrive) existed a short time ago in the climate record, from c. 950 to c. 1250., and has remained a thorn in the side, ever since, for today’s
Global Warming Climate Change activist movement.
IN the 1990 IPCC report, the Medieval Warm Period was much warmer than the late 19th century:
THE IPCC’s 1990 report dives deeper into the reality of the Medieval Warm Period and provides an insight into the cause of these warming periods:
“This period of widespread warmth is notable in that there is no evidence that it was accompanied by an increase of greenhouse gases.”
BY the 2001 IPCC report, the Medieval Warm period disappeared and became much cooler than the late 20th century:

Mikey Mann Hockeystick
BY pure coincidence, in the year 1995 the IPCC made a decision to make the Medieval Warm Period disappear:

David Deming Senate Testimony
YOUTUBE clip of Dr David Deming’s US Senate testimony on the “disappearance” of the Medieval Warm Period (see 01m:50s) :
Video of Dr David Deming’s statement to the U.S. Senate Committee on Environment & Public Works on December 6, 2006. Dr Deming reveals that in 1995 a leading scientist emailed him saying “We have to get rid of the Medieval Warm Period”. A few years later, Michael Mann and the IPCC did just that by publishing the now throughly discredited hockey stick graph.
IN case you missed it…
“I had another interesting experience around the time my paper in Science was published. I received an astonishing email from a major researcher in the area of climate change. He said, “We have to get rid of the Medieval Warm Period.””The existence of the MWP had been recognized in the scientific literature for decades. But now it was a major embarrassment to those maintaining that the 20th century warming was truly anomalous. It had to be “gotten rid of.””Statement of Dr. David Deming | U.S. Senate Committee
ACCORDING to multiple lines of “peer-reviewed science”, the Medieval Warm Period was indeed ‘global’ and was as warm, if not warmer than today.
CLICK here for excellent interactive map of clickable peer-reviewed MWP studies in both North and Southern Hemispheres :
THERE is absolutely nothing unusual about today’s so-called
Global Warming aka Climate Change.
LOOK at how many periods of warmth our planet has enjoyed during the past 10,000 years alone.
CIVILISATIONS flourished during those warm periods (“climate optimums”), and collapsed when they ended.
DID humans cause the Minoan warm period of about 3,300 years ago?
DID humans cause the Roman warm period of about 2,100 years ago?
DID humans cause the Medieval warm period of about 1,000 years ago?
WHAT about all of those other warm periods? Should we blame Fred Flintstone, perhaps?
IF the downward trend in temperature of the past 3,300 years continues, we could be in a heap of trouble. While our leaders keep on wringing their collective hands over global warming, we could be blindsided by an ice age.
ALL this talk about human-caused global warming is sheer nonsense, if not downright fraud. The record shows that both periods of warmth – and periods of cold – hit our planet with almost consistent regularity.
THE above chart is based on data from GISP2 (Greenland Ice Sheet Project 2). GISP2 drilled cores into the Greenland ice more than 3000 meters (almost 2 miles) deep, allowing scientists to study climate variability for the past 125,000 years.
THE Grand Solar Minimum is intensifying.
BE prepared. Winter is coming!
MWP Peer-Reviewed :
PEER Review studies that show the Medieval Warm Period was indeed global and as warm, if not warmer than todays temps…
- Evidence of the Medieval Warm Period in Australia, New Zealand and Oceania | Climatism
- New paper shows Medieval Warm Period was global in scope | Watts Up With That?
- Study: Earth was warmer in Roman, Medieval Times | The Daily Caller
- New paper finds more evidence the Medieval Warming Period was global — Published in Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology
- Latest Research: EU & Russian Scientists Confirm Medieval Period Warmer Than Modern Global Warming
- Antarctic warmer than today – An ikaite record of late Holocene climate at the Antarctic Peninsula
- THE HOCKEY SCHTICK: New paper finds Medieval Warming Period was ~1°C warmer than current temperatures
- New Paper Finds Ocean Temps Were Warmer During Multiple Periods Over Last 2700 Years Than Today | GWPF
- Medieval Temps warmer than today : Jenny Lake, Southwest Yukon Territory, Canada – CO2 Science
- Medieval Warm Period was real, global, & warmer than the present’ – China & World – Chinadaily Forum
- Evidence for a Global Medieval Warm Period | Watts Up With That?
- Medieval Warm Period Project | CO2 Science
SEE also :
- GLOBAL Temperature Drops By 0.4°C In Three Years | Climatism
- INCONVENIENT : Arctic Sea Ice Extent Enters The Mean Zone! | Climatism
- CLIMATE Change For Dummies | Climatism
- CLIMATE CHANGE : The Unsettled Science Of “Settled” Science | Climatism
- UN Carbon Regime Would Devastate Humanity And The Environment | Climatism
- SORRY ALARMISTS : The IPCC Once Again Reports Extreme Weather Events Have Not Increased | Climatism
- THE Mind-blowing Costs Of Global Warming Hysteria | Climatism
- JORDAN PETERSON On Global Warming : The Clip That Should Be Mandatory Viewing In All Schools! | Climatism
- CLIMATE CHANGE : The Unsettled Science Of “Settled” Science | Climatism
- LIFE Inside The Global Warming Bubble | Climatism
- TIM FLANNERY – Professor of Dud Predictions and Climate Falsehoods | Climatism
- BEFORE Mann Made Climate Change, Chicago Was Buried Under A Mile Of Ice | Climatism
- 100% Of Climate Models Prove that 97% of Climate Scientists Were Wrong! | Climatism
- FOUR Climate Scientists Destroy Climate Change Alarmism | Climatism
- WESTERN Nations, Driven By A Global Agenda Of Climate Alarmism, Are Destroying Their Industries With Carbon Taxes And Promotion Of Expensive, Intermittent Green Energy | Climatism
- GLOBAL Temperature Drops By 0.4°C In Three Years | Climatism
- THE Great Global Warming “Pause” | Climatism
- GLOBAL TEMPERATURE PLUNGE : Coolest September In The Last 10 Years | Climatism
- GLOBAL Temps Continue Plunge Despite “Global Heatwave” Howls From Media Hysterics | Climatism
- GLOBAL WARMING THEORY CHECK : Global Temps Continue Century-Record Plunge, Despite Rising Emissions! | Climatism
- NO Australian Under The Age Of 40 Has Experienced Any Global Warming | Climatism
- THE SUN : Climate Control Knob, Enemy Of The Climate Cult | Climatism
- THE SUN : Climate Changer, Climate Driver, Climate Disruptor | Climatism
ORIGINS Of The Global Warming Scam :
- FATHER Of The 2°C Climate Target Admits Number Is Fabricated : ‘Two degrees is not a magical limit; it’s clearly a political goal’ | Climatism
- THE Orwellian Era Of @NASA Climate Pseudoscience | Climatism
- WESTERN Nations, Driven By A Global Agenda Of Climate Alarmism, Are Destroying Their Industries With Carbon Taxes And Promotion Of Expensive, Intermittent Green Energy | Climatism
- TOMORROW’S Grim, Global, Green Dictatorship | Climatism
- CLIMATE CHANGE – The Most Massive Scientific Fraud In Human History | Climatism
- “In Searching For A New Enemy To Unite Us, We Came Up With The Threat Of Global Warming” | Climatism
- The Creator, Fabricator And Proponent Of Global Warming – Maurice Strong | Climatism
- Global Warming Is The Greatest And Most Successful Pseudoscientific Fraud In History | Climatism
- Sustainability is Malthusianism for the 21st Century | Climatism
- THE Climate Change Farce Explained By Two Expert “Scientists” | Climatism
- UN IPCC : Climate “Has Almost Nothing To Do With Environmental Policy.” | Climatism
- UN IPCC : “Long-Term Prediction of Future Climate States Is Not Possible.” | Climatism
- UN IPCC Rewrote Temperature History To Suit Their Political Agenda | Climatism
- YES! The Climate Changes | Climatism
- OUR Planet Has Enjoyed 10 Warm Periods During The Past 10,000 Years | Climatism
- THE ARCTIC : Ground Zero For Anthropogenic Hubris And Climate Change Hysteria | Climatism
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