Saturday, March 31, 2012
Lindsey Williams spills the Beans - jeff rense - 26 March 2012
Note: Lots of other info; political, Obama, Keystone pipeline and a lot more! Lindsey and Jeff are always interesting and worth listening to.
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Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Former FBI counter-terrorism expert reveals the shocking facts about the TSA
The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) was formed to ensure America’s freedom to travel. Instead, they have made air travel the most difficult means of mass transit in the United States, at the same time failing to make air travel any more secure.
TSA has never, (and I invite them to prove me wrong), foiled a terrorist plot or stopped an attack on an airliner. Ever. They crow about weapons found and insinuate that this means they stopped terrorism. They claim that they can’t comment due to “national security” implications. In fact, if they had foiled a plot, criminal charges would have to be filed. Ever hear of terrorism charges being filed because of something found during a TSA screening? No, because it’s never happened. Trust me, if TSA had ever foiled a terrorist plot, they would buy full-page ads in every newspaper in the United States to prove their importance and increase their budget.
I have a unique position from which to make these statements. For 25 years, as many of readers know, I was an FBI Special Agent, and for many of those years, I was a counter-terrorism specialist. I ran the Los Angeles Joint Terrorism Task Force (JTTF) Al Qaeda squad. I ran the JTTF’s Extra-territorial squad, which responded to terrorism against the United States or its interests throughout the world. I have investigated Al Qaeda cell operations in the United States, Pakistan, Indonesia, the Philippines, and Thailand, just to name a few. The FBI and the CIA provides the lion’s share of actionable intelligence on threats to the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) (the mother organization of TSA), so that they can tailor security screening to the actual threat.
I am, as I have said before, a political conservative, a law and order kind of guy and I get misty when the national anthem is played at a football game and jets fly over in salute. If anything, I am pre-disposed to support the United States government...
The entire TSA paradigm is flawed. It requires an impossibility for it to succeed. For the TSA model to work, every single possible means of causing danger to an aircraft or its passengers must be eliminated. This is an impossibility. While passengers are being frisked and digitally strip-searched a few dozen yards away, cooks and dish washers at the local concourse “Chili’s” are using and cleaning butcher knives.
While bomb-sniffing dogs are run past luggage, the beach at the departure end of LAX is largely unpatrolled, and anybody with a shoulder launched missile (you know the ones they regularly shoot down U.S. helicopters with in Afghanistan) could take out any plane of their choice. I am reticent to discuss anything further that would give anybody ideas. However, these two have had wide dissemination in the media but are by NO means the biggest threats...
I sometimes ruminate while standing in line waiting to take off my shoes, remove my belt, laptop, iPad, etc., etc., about the improvised weapons I saw in prisons and how hard they were to find. It’s fascinating what weapons prisoners can make out of plastic forks, newspapers and toothbrushes. Ask any prison guard if an inmate can make a weapon out of an everyday item, and how long it would take them. Approximately 99% of what the average traveler carries on a plane would be considered contraband in a maximum security prison, due to the fact that it can easily be converted into a weapon. Toothbrushes, Popsicle sticks, pens, pencils, anything with wire (iPod headset), any metal object which can be sharpened, etc., etc. is a potential weapon. Carried to its logical end, TSA policy would have to require passengers to travel naked or handcuffed. (Handcuffing is the required procedure for U.S. Marshalls transporting prisoners in government aircraft.)
TSA’s de facto policy to this point has been to react to the latest thing tried by a terrorist, which is invariably something that Al Qaeda identified as a technique not addressed by current screening. While this narrows Al Qaeda’s options, their list of attack ideas remains long and they are imaginative. Therefore, if TSA continues to react to each and every new thing tried, three things are certain:
1. Nothing Al Qaeda tries will be caught the first time because it was designed around gaps in TSA security.
2. It is impossible to eliminate all gaps in airline security.
3. Airline security screening based on eliminating every vulnerability will therefore fail because it is impossible. But it will by necessity become increasingly onerous and invasive on the travelers...
TSA screening, as it is now, is so predictable and known that Al Qaeda can know with absolute certainty what they can and cannot get through screening. That is valuable intelligence for them. In a word, TSA is predictable. This increases Al Qaeda’s chances of success....
Frankly, the professional experience I have had with TSA has frightened me. Once, when approaching screening for a flight on official FBI business, I showed my badge as I had done for decades in order to bypass screening. (You can be envious, but remember, I was one less person in line.) I was asked for my form which showed that I was unarmed. I was unarmed on this flight because my ultimate destination was a foreign country. I was told, "Then you have to be screened." This logic startled me, so I asked, "If I tell you I have a high-powered weapon, you will let me bypass screening, but if I tell you I'm unarmed, then I have to be screened?" The answer? "Yes. Exactly." Another time, I was bypassing screening (again on official FBI business) with my .40 caliber semi-automatic pistol, and a TSA officer noticed the clip of my pocket knife. "You can't bring a knife on board," he said. I looked at him incredulously and asked, "The semi-automatic pistol is okay, but you don't trust me with a knife?" His response was equal parts predictable and frightening, "But knives are not allowed on the planes."...
Each time the TSA is publically called to account for their actions, they fight back with fear-based press releases which usually begin with “At a time like this….” Or “Al Qaeda is planning—at this moment …..” The tactic, of course, is to throw the spotlight off the fact that their policies are doing nothing to make America safer “at a time like this.” Sometimes doing the wrong thing is just as bad as doing nothing.
The TSA unions are now fighting against any reduction in staff, such as by implementation of more efficient protocols, hiring of contractors, or less draconian screening. It is simply not in their best interest for screening to get quicker or easier because that would require fewer screeners...
Just when I was getting to think that the backscatter x-ray images were humiliating, degrading or invasive, Susan Hallowell, Director of the TSA research lab eased my fear by consenting to have her backscatter image made public.

That’s Ms. Hallowell in the upper photo. And the two below--same day, same time. See? What’s invasive or embarrassing about those photos? Obviously, I’m overreacting. Several things about these photos struck me; first, I of course noticed that the backscatter x-ray has cleverly detected the gun on her hip (it’s the black object just above her thong in the far left picture). That the gun would have been found by magnetometers in service since the 1970’s is likely not something they would like us to dwell on. Secondarily, I am struck by the similarity of this demonstration to the fable, “The Emperor’s New Clothes.” In that tale, a king is swindled by tailors who create for him a suit of clothes that are invisible to incompetent people. Of course, nobody would admit that they didn’t see the clothes for fear of being branded unfit for their jobs, and certainly the king wasn’t going to say anything.
Looking at these photos, I wonder if something similar isn’t going on here. It is as if patriotic, loyal citizens who care about security and the United States of America and the lives of their fellow citizens will not see this as an abuse of power. Anybody who views these images as dehumanizing, humiliating, unnecessary or abusive are obviously not against terrorism and care little if airplanes filled with families fall to the ground. But in this situation, it is essential that we shout “the king (or in this case the queen) has no clothes!” Going along with the status quo is the exact opposite of protecting Americans, it is the opposite of saving lives, it is the opposite of preventing terrorism, and it is the opposite of freedom and personal rights.
Moore's full report is here.
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Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Nostradamus Prophecies, The Comparative Translations by Michael Nostradamus and Das Abra
...The first and second antichrists were instruments and were forced to go to war to liberate their countries from the shackles of interest and thieving banks , in 2012 the Third Antichrist is believed to manifest himself.. the world will not end in 2012, there will be a great disaster according to Nostradamus. no one can tell when the end of the world comes..nor Nostradamus,, only the God will come that we are not the thieves in the can come week,,,next year..we don't know..Only Almighty God God bless us all
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Monday, March 26, 2012
Lindsey Williams & Radio Liberty - March. 22, 2012
Lindsey Williams & Radio Liberty - March. 22, 2012 : the elite want the Keystone pipeline , Obama disappointed them when he refused to allow it although he seems to have changed his mind recently , Pastor Lindsey Williams this time reveals the name of one of his elite sources a long time Wall street insider , the plan of the elite who are delaying the total financial collapse because they want to have every country every city in America in so much debt that when the collapse happens they will have no choice but to accept the NWO new currency and conditions , Pastor Lindsey Williams also predicts hyperinflation in America before the end of 2012 , the US dollar will become practically useless as the prices of goods will sky rocket , gold and silver are the elite's money everything else is just paper and whatever is printed on paper is worth the paper it is printed on says Lindsey Williams
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Sunday, March 25, 2012
Friday, March 23, 2012
Lindsey Williams : The Secrets of the Elite 2012
(Lindsey williams - proof Negative Show - 14 March 2012 ) is back with some more insights from his elite friends , some of the key points, are : in order to understand the elite's mind set you need to listen to the buzz words in this case the 'derivatives' which will bring the total collapse of the financial system and the death of the US Dollar by the end of 2012 , this does not mean that the dollar won't be existent, it means that it will lose most of its purchasing power (due to hyperinflation) there will be no shortages of food but the prices will be sky-high , prepare for $6 or $7 gas a gallon , Saudi Arabia is building the biggest oil refinery in world's history in china and soon it will be selling its oil to china without using the petro dollar aka the US dollar this will precipitate the death of the US Dollar
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Hollywood Producer Says Bill Clinton Directly Told Me Barack Obama Not Eligible
Bettina Viviano was the Executive Producer of Adam Sandler's 'Jack and Jill', you'll need to forgive her for that. But respect her courage for speaking truth about this subject.
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Tuesday, March 20, 2012
WARNING!!! March 22, 2012 Press Release
All the major news outlets are being sent a copy of this March 22, 2012 Press Release WARNING stating that everyone living in or near a seismic zone should be warned to brace for one of the top five earthquake events in recorded history on March 22, 2012 at 4:58:34 UTC. Earth axis is expected to shift five+ inches with the world aquifers, when our planet passes 66,000 miles per hour through a gravity trough connecting the Sun and the inbound heavy-mass object (HMO). I have been sending warning messages to the media all along and nobody has responded with a single word. We shall see very soon if the next 'event' on the 188-day cycle is for real or not. My hands are clean and everyone has the opportunity to be warned ...
Press Release Link:
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Monday, March 19, 2012
Top Secret Medicine
Walter C. Vetsch |
Originally, scholars had free access to the state of the art knowledge of the time. However, beginning around the 1940’s, knowledge was gradually split into two streams. Total knowledge was restricted and reserved for the elite members of the ruling class.
General knowledge, which was a modified and censored version of total knowledge, was made available to the remainder of the population. As new discoveries were made, they were screened to determine whether they would be allowed to be known by the general population or whether they would be reserved only for use by the elite.
As time passed, more and more new discoveries were considered to be reserved for the elite and less and less were allowed to enter the stream of general knowledge available to the masses. Today, when science students reach the graduate level, many find that they need a top secret or “Q” clearance just to get access to basic information they need to successfully continue their studies.
In physics, for example, you could easily spend years memorizing math equations only to be told that there are “uncertainties” and a comprehensive understanding is “impossible”. However, if you could get your hands on a top secret physics book, you would notice that all these classic “uncertainties” had been resolved and you would find chapters dealing with temporal science, antigravity technology and faster than light propulsion.
Even seemingly innocuous sciences are subject to secrecy. Theatrical people such as actors, makeup artists and special effects experts are often recruited to facilitate sophisticated “psyop” operations designed to manipulate public opinion, trick enemies or program select populations. Anyone recruited for such endeavors would need to agree to keep the knowledge of their activities secret.
Conventional and Top Secret Medicine
There is a fundamental difference between conventional and top secret medicine. People with access to top secret medicine include those who live physically forever and stay in perfect health. People who use conventional medicine have limited life spans, suffer needlessly from diseases because the cures are classified, and suffer from illnesses deliberately caused to boost the profits of the conventional medical and pharmaceutical industries.
Also, in countries without socialized medicine such as the United States, there is the issue of cost. Top secret medicine is free. It is an entitlement for the chosen elite. Conventional medicine, which is a guarantee of certain death, however, must be paid for.
The community of the world elite live in a socialized environment. A perfect life is considered a right. However, in order to guarantee this right, the general population or the slave class must toil and die to service their needs.
It should be easy to see why top secret medicine is secret. Obviously, if the ordinary people ever realized the truth, they too would demand perfect health and indefinite life.
Who are the people who will live forever and rule this world? Some common sense should help you identify them. Ordinary people generally think about retirement — that quiet period at the end of their lives when they are free from whatever slave labor they have been doing. However, if you look around, you will notice many “very well preserved” old people — mostly men — who are active and running the country and the world at an age when their “ordinary” contemporaries would be in nursing homes. They never retire.
Why would you want to live at this pace if your next step was the grave? Most likely, you would not. However, if you knew death would never come for you because you were a member of the super elite and would live physically forever, your behavior would be completely understandable.
Top Secret Drugs
The most popular top secret drug is the so called “health kit.” This is a cocktail of drugs which gives the user immunity to all known diseases. This includes man-made diseases such as AIDS. Health kits are generally reserved for the super elite who have been granted physical immortality.
There are also many mind control drugs developed during years of CIA and military experiments. These agents facilitate programming manchurian candidates, altering the behavior of foreign leaders and, of course, quiet and undetectable assassinations.
Here are some general categories:
1. Military Use Agents. Examples would include biological weapons, mind control agents, exotic poisons, implants and electromagnetic technologies which effect life processes.
2. Enhancement Agents. Examples would include intelligence boosting drugs [used to create child geniuses who work at the secret national labs], agents to assist remote viewers [high doses of bilberry extract is reported to be in use] and “rambo” drugs and implants used to create fearless “super soldiers”.
3. Consciousness Alteration. Examples would include mind control agents, agents to assist out of body activities and agents used to remove blocks to the recall of previous lives.
4. Vaccines and Antidotes. Examples would include all of the various vaccines which keep the elite disease free but are withheld from the general population as well as the secret antidotes to agents used against the general population such as disease causing agents like AIDS as well as a variety of control agents and debilitating agents added to the food supply.
Top Secret Medical Devices
Top secret medical devices include such gadgets as consciousness transference machines, aura balancing machines and the temporal reversal machine. These devices are generally reserved for the super elite who have been guaranteed eternal physical life.
There are many other top secret devices which are used to enhance lower level functionaries who are important but who will not be granted physical immortality. The largest class of such devices are implants. Perhaps the most common are communications implants. These are generally dental implants which allow constant undetectable two-way communication between an agent and his controllers. The support system for this is satellite-based and guarantees worldwide coverage. Other classes of implants would include augmentation devices such as the classic “Rambo chip implant”, said to create a “super soldier”. Implants are used on “disposable” operatives. The super elite would want to be above such things.
Another class of secret medical devices would include “tags”. Tags are physical or chemical agents used to mark specific people or classes of people so they can be located and tracked by surveillance satellites. To be effective, the target must be unaware that he or she has been tagged. Tags are often administered by doctors because people generally trust doctors, allow them close access to their bodies and are totally unaware that tagging is possible. For example, tag detection satellites silently and secretly patrol the Mexican border. High profile people who are aware of tagging take precautions. Osama Bin Laden reportedly avoided detection because his hideout had a lead roof.
Early research centered on melding traditional psychic skills with modern high technology and, wherever possible, creating inanimate devices which could duplicate the abilities of natural psychics.
David Morehouse, in his book Psychic Warrior mentions a secret device the government had developed which could detect if a remote viewer was psychically present in the vicinity.
One result of this research was the Aura Balancing Machine. Natural psychic healers can do aura balancing. First, of course, you have to know that the aura is there, then you have to be able to see it. Having done this, you can now look for defects — weak spots or holes — and you must then repair whatever problems you found by appropriately channeling energy to the problem areas.
As a living person, you can’t do this constantly. However, a machine can. So, the aura balancing machine is basically a magnetic field generator which is controlled by a computer which is programmed with a model of a “perfect” aura. It scans the aura, detects defects and then calculates and applies the correction forces. The MRI machine is a spin-off of the secret research which developed the Aura Balancing Machine.
We must also consider extensive store of genetic knowledge. Much of this knowledge is public. Much more is secret. Over ten years ago, selected police departments were given a secret genetic analyzer which would produce a person’s fingerprints and photograph when a DNA sample from the person was inputted into the machine.
Even though this may sound incredible, remember that this device is “old technology”. We can hardly guess what the current state of the art in secret genetic knowledge might be. We know designer organisms are common and the ultimate product of this research will be a new race of laboratory created designer people.
Early Life Extension Technologies
The early life extension technologies consisted of what may best be described as controlled reincarnation. These technologies were based upon creating a subspace of the Creation using a Faraday cage. Anyone can make this device which is simple and not a secret.
Basically, it is a cage made out of metallic mesh like screen wire. It is electrically charged with respect to ground and can be any size. The high voltage supply from any older tube TV will work just fine. The secret part is that Robert Monroe, who could project Astrally at will, found and told researchers that he was unable to escape from such a cage in his Astral body because the electricity, which was invisible in our dimension, was not only visible but solid in the Astral dimension. He found himself trapped in this electrical “net”.
Working with psychics who understood the basics of reincarnation, a plan was developed which would guarantee that the spirit of a dying person would reincarnate in a specific new human baby. Normally, spirits of the dead drift into the Astral planes and eventually reincarnate back on Earth — somewhere. However, “somewhere” is not much use if you are interested in a specific person.
So, the controlled reincarnation technology works like this. You take whoever is expected to die and seal the person in a Faraday cage with a “freshly pregnant girl”. The dead person’s spirit is trapped in the cage and there is only one reincarnation option, namely, the unborn child of the girl in the cage.
The problem with this technique is that the newborn child, like most people undergoing natural reincarnation, will not remember its previous life or who it was. Solving this problem required development of a secret “wake-up technique” which was used at the age of about five to get the kid to remember who he had been before he died. Although this technique was perfected, as you can see, it had some extra complexities and the time delay problem of five years being “lost” and then having to put up with a juvenile body for another ten or so years. These problems stimulated further research.
Basically, blanks are living human bodies with no Souls. Creation of and working with blanks is one of the projects attributed to the Dulce, New Mexico, underground base. There are some very practical reasons for wanting a supply of blanks. If someone who is considered important has lost his physical body in a way that makes recovery impossible (say, e.g., they were in a plane that exploded), you would want to get their spirit into a working physical form as soon as possible. Ordinarily, bodies are occupied by Souls and so they are not available. Also, human bodies die when the Soul permanently leaves and the silver cord breaks. However, if you could figure out a way to remove the Soul but have the body remain viable, you could train your important people to seek one of the blanks you have waiting on “stand by”, occupy the blank and return to human life.
Consciousness Transference
Consciousness transference from one living form to another has always been possible. In ancient Tibetan literature it is known as Phowa. However, in order to achieve consciousness transference on your own without any technology, you must have significant mystic training.
In the past, when the distractions we enjoy today such as all the electronic mediums did not exist, people had lots of free time to use for the development of their natural psychic abilities. Today, they not only do not have the time but are also simply not interested in making the effort. However, they do want the results.
Modern consciousness transference devices have been compared to a pair of phone booths — one for the source and the other for the recipient. They are said to be based on original concepts developed by Nikola Tesla. He supplied the world with brilliant ideas, many of which, such as the theory of antigravity propulsion which has now been perfected and is in use, remain secret today.
The basis of the consciousness transfer device appears to have originated with Tesla’s experiments which used electrical fields to create a Star Trek-like transporter. The problem was that living things always arrived dead, but dead things such as a brick arrived just fine.
Tesla had not heard Robert Monroe’s favorite saying, “You are more than your physical body”, most likely because Monroe had not said it yet. Anyway, transporting only the physical matter of a living body without also transporting the “more” resulted in a dead body. Then someone suggested that the “more” which was not being transported included the consciousness. So, if the consciousness remained in the source “container”, would transporting a different physical form (striped of the “more”) into the container result in the consciousness melding with the new form. Clearly, they do not publish their research notes for ordinary people to read but this was the basic “flow” of the research which led to the development of the devices in use today.
Spirit Recovery and Clones
As soon as government scientists heard about the concept of cloning, they made plans to create human clones. Of course, they had to do some basic research and experimentation first. In the beginning, they felt that genetic information only coded for a physical form. However, when they cloned a dog, which just happened to be a show dog trained to respond to specific commands, and found, to their surprise, that the clone also responded to the same commands, they learned a secret which remains top secret today: The genetic code also contains memories. A clone is not just something that physically looks like the original. It is the original, complete with memories.
Having discovered this secret, the next step was, logically, “bringing people back from the dead”. If you had a good DNA sample from someone who was now dead, could you bring the person back to life by making a clone using that DNA? The answer seems to be “sometimes”.
To understand “sometimes” you need a little basic knowledge of just where the dead are. Most are on a lower Astral plane and do not even realize they are dead because they had no mystic training and were convinced that death was “the end”. Generally, you can get these people back. However, if the Soul has some mystic awareness and has accessed a higher plane, you cannot recover them as they have no desire to return to this place. Fortunately for the government, the kind of people they relate to as important are educated atheists who have no spiritual knowledge and deny the existence of anything beyond ordinary physical reality.
Temporal Reversal Technology
Temporal reversal is the latest and most preferred life extension technology. Basically, it is a gadget which reverses time. You get in as old and come out as young — twenties is the preferred age. How does it work?
Well, it is based on temporal science or the study and understanding of time. This science also explains time travel techniques. Never heard of it? Well, you never will. However, with some common sense, you should be able to conclude that it does exist.
Scientists are curious people. They spend a fortune to get rocks back from the Moon and look at mud on Mars. But, you never hear them talk about time. Wouldn’t that excite your curiosity — unless, of course, you already knew the answer? This technique has one flaw that could lead to its exposure one day. That flaw is that the person’s DNA is unchanged. Since no two people have identical DNA, if you located a young kid with DNA identical to a known deceased person, you would have physical evidence of this technique.
Top Secret Psychiatry
To illustrate top secret psychiatry and compare it against conventional psychiatry, we will use David Morehouse’s book Psychic Warrior which we have referenced in other books. David Morehouse was in the military and so the psychiatrist he saw was a government psychiatrist. Mr. Morehouse tells the psychiatrist about his “angel friend”, an invisible being only he can see. The psychiatrist is thrilled. He tells Morehouse, “Here, look over these top secret documents. You appear have psychic talents. How would you like to become a remote viewer in our secret psychic spy program?”. OK, so we can say that the doctor’s response was positive.
Now, let’s speculate on what Mr. Morehouse’s fate would have been if he was not in the military. Suppose he was just a regular guy and he walked into a conventional psychiatrists office saying, “Hi there. I wanted to talk to you about my friend. My friend is an angel. He’s invisible. He only talks to me. No one else can see him.” How many minutes do you think it would take for the guys in white coats with the straight jacket to haul David away?
His story gives us a perfect illustration of the difference between conventional and top secret medicine in psychiatry.
As you can see, top secret practitioners focus upon the development and expansion of the human spirit whereas conventional practitioners focus upon negative psychic development, decay and death. Conventional psychiatry has always focused on techniques to destroy the mind using brain surgery, brain damage caused by insulin coma, brain damage using electric stun devices developed originally to “pacify” livestock in slaughterhouses before they are killed (ECT) and drugs which cause brain damage and shorten the victim’s life expectancy by about 25 years.
Beyond the Manchurian Candidate
Here we want to get into some of the newer consciousness manipulation technologies. We all know about the classic manchurian candidates such as those used against Robert Kennedy and John Lennon. These were “one way”, for want of a better phrase, programming techniques. Once the “candidate” finished his mission, he lost memory of the event and, if he survived, was pretty useless and clueless.
We know that the US government has spent an incredible amount of money and effort researching and developing mind control technology. Walter Bowart, in his book Operation Mind Control (1978; this out of print book can be found for free on the internet as a .pdf file), describes the routine use of technologies to make enlisted service men forget what they had done once they were discharged. These techniques were used on the subject without his knowledge.
Apparently, this technology has now reached a high stage of perfection and is being used on government operatives who actually volunteer for this. Legally, this kind of stuff is covered by what is called a “Human Use Agreement” which basically states that you give the government permission to use your body for its purposes as it pleases. These new techniques are reversible and are claimed to be safe. Here is how it is said they are used.
Traditionally, if you are planning some covert assignment, you would look for an operative whose natural personality was compatible with the assignment — like the Mission Impossible team leader looking through his agent files to pick who was suitable for the new mission. However, wouldn’t it be nice if you did not need to look for a natural match but could, instead, program an agent with a new personality which was taylor-made for the job. This is reportedly how the new technology works.
The agent is called in and agrees to do the mission. He does not know what the mission is. Then, his natural mind is suppressed and a new personality and life history is inserted. He then proceeds with the mission which could be days, weeks, months or even years. When he completes the mission, he is programmed to return to base. His “mission mind” is erased and his real mind is restored. He collects his pay and gets some time off. He never knows what he did.
This technique protects both the agent and the government. The government does not have to worry that the agent might talk and the agent, clueless about whatever he has just done, does not have any concerns about PTSD, or a troubled conscious. The “lost memories” would be, however, recorded in the Akashic records. These records cannot be erased.
Philosophy and Ethics
There are many good arguments for government secrets. You could say, for example, that ordinary people should not know how to launch bombs. That’s reasonable. However, is it reasonable to argue that some people should have perfect health because they are “important” while ordinary people should live at the peril of a host of preventable and curable diseases because it is convenient for the ruling elite to have it that way?
A long time ago — and who knows why — maybe they were smoking funny cigarettes or something — the future designers of the United States wrote that they believed all men were created equal and were endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights which included the right to life, liberty and pursuit of property (later changed to “happiness” as the two were seen as identical).
Today, our society has developed into a plutocracy where a few people have realized their “pursuit of property” right to the point that they now own everything and have developed the philosophy that they should also have exclusive access to “life and liberty” since they are somehow special while the rest of us are not.
Actually, the authors of the Declaration of Independence wrote their document to defy the authority of a previous plutocracy and proclaim that they would no longer play that game and submit to tyranny. So, has the time come for history to repeat itself or has the desire for legitimate personal freedom been permanently extinguished?
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Sunday, March 18, 2012
A View From Space, March 17, 2012
TOPICS: Osiris Day (St Patrick), Antichrist, Illuminati methodology/numerology, Gold War/Golden Age, Sgt Robert Bales (Afghan killings), Bilderberg, JFK assassination/Dealy Plaza, Israel-Palestine peace process, Princess Diana/Stewart bloodline, Albert Pike, FIAT currency/US Dollar, Sun cycles 23-24, Federal Reserve/ Death of America, Ronald Reagan assassination attempt, The "Watchers", constellation of Orion, Mitochondrial Eve, Sumerian mythology, human origins, Nibiru/cataclysm, ISS/Project Bluebeam, Khazars, Shangri-La, Draconian Federation.
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Saturday, March 17, 2012
How To Bring Down the System
Four words: "Follow the rules exactly."
That's it? That's it.
Any system? Any system.
There are reasons for this. These reasons are universal.
First, every institution assumes voluntary compliance in at least 95% of all cases. This may be a low-ball estimate. Most people comply, either out of fear or lack of concern or strong belief in the system and its goals.
Second, every institution has more rules than it can follow, let alone enforce. Some of these rules are self-contradictory. The more rules, the larger the number of contradictions. (There is probably a statistical pattern here – some variant of Parkinson's law.)
Third, every institution is built on this assumption: partial compliance. Not everyone will comply with any given procedural rule. There are negative sanctions to enforce compliance on the few who resist. They serve as examples to force compliance. Conversely, very few people under the institution's jurisdiction will attempt to force the institution to comply exactly with any procedural rule.
These three laws of institutions – and they really are laws – offer any resistance movement an opportunity to shut down any system.
When we think of institutional tyrannies, few come close to matching the system of concentration camps in the Soviet Union: the Gulag. They operated from 1918 until after the Soviet Union collapsed in December 1991. It took time to close them in 1992.
In his book, To Build a Castle, Vladimir Bukovsky provides one of the finest descriptions of institution-jamming ever recorded. He organized it.
What you are about to read is like nothing you have ever read. I have spent over 45 years studying bureaucracies in theory and practice. I have seen nothing to match it.
Bukovsky spent well over a decade in the Soviet gulag concentration camp system in the 1960s and 1970s. He was arrested and sentenced in spite of specific civil rights protections provided by the Soviet Constitution – a document which was never respected by the Soviet bureaucracy. But once in prison, he learned to make life miserable for the director of his camp.
He learned that written complaints had to be responded to officially within a month. This administrative rule governing the camps was for "Western consumption," but it was nevertheless a rule. Any camp administrator who failed to honor it risked the possibility of punishment, should a superior (or ambitious subordinate) decide to pressure him for any reason. In short, any failure to "do it by the book" could be used against him later on.
Bukovsky became an assembly-line producer of official protests. By the end of his career as a "zek," he had taught hundreds of other inmates to follow his lead. By following certain procedures that were specified by the complaint system, Bukovsky's protesting army began to disrupt the whole Soviet bureaucracy. His camp clogged the entire system with protests – hundreds of them per day. He estimates that eventually the number of formal complaints exceeded 75,000. To achieve such a phenomenal output, the protestors had to adopt the division of labor. Bukovsky describes the process: "At the height of our war, each of us wrote from ten to thirty complaints a day. Composing thirty complaints in one day is not easy, so we usually divided up the subjects among ourselves and each man wrote on his own subject before handing it around for copying by all the others. If there are five men in a cell and each man takes six subjects, each of them has the chance to write thirty complaints while composing only six himself."
The complaints were addressed to prominent individuals and organizations: the deputies of the Supreme Soviet, the regional directors, astronauts, actors, generals, admirals, the secretaries of the Central Committee, shepherds, sportsmen, and so forth. "In the Soviet Union, all well-known individuals are state functionaries."
Each complaint had to be responded to. The camp administrators grew frantic. They threatened punishments, and often imposed them, but it did no good; the ocean of protests grew. Bukovsky's description is incomparable.
The next thing that happens is that the prison office, inundated with complaints, is unable to dispatch them within the three-day deadline. For overrunning the deadline they are bound to be reprimanded and to lose any bonuses they might have won. When our war was at its hottest the prison governor summoned every last employee to help out at the office with this work-librarians, bookkeepers, censors, political instructors, security officers. It went even further. All the students at the next-door Ministry of the Interior training college were pressed into helping out as well.All answers to and dispatches of complaints have. to be registered in a special book, and strict attention has to be paid to observing the correct deadlines. Since complaints follow a complex route and have to be registered every step of the way, they spawn dossiers and records of their own. In the end they all land in one of two places: the local prosecutor's office or the local department of the Interior Ministry. These offices can't keep up with the flood either and also break their deadlines, for which they too are reprimanded and lose their bonuses. The bureaucratic machine is thus obliged to work at full stretch, and you transfer the paper avalanche from one office to another, sowing panic in the ranks of the enemy. Bureaucrats are bureaucrats, always at loggerheads with one another, and often enough your complaints become weapons in internecine wars between bureaucrat and bureaucrat, department and department. This goes on for months and months, until, at last, the most powerful factor of all in Soviet life enters the fray – statistics.
As the 75,000 complaints became part of the statistical record, the statistical record of the prison camp and the regional camps was spoiled. All bureaucrats suffered. There went the prizes, pennants, and other benefits. "The workers start seething with discontent, there is panic in the regional Party headquarters, and a senior commission of inquiry is dispatched to the prison."
The commission then discovered a mass of shortcomings with the work of the prison's administration, although the commission would seldom aid specific prisoners. The prisoners knew this in advance. But the flood of protests continued for two years.The entire bureaucratic system of the Soviet Union found itself drawn into this war. There was virtually no government department or institution, no region or republic, from which we weren't getting answers. Eventually we had even drawn the criminal cons into our game, and the complaints disease began to spread throughout the prison – in which there were twelve hundred men altogether. I think that if the business had continued a little longer and involved everyone in the prison, the Soviet bureaucratic machine would have simply ground to a halt: all Soviet institutions would have had to stop work and busy themselves with writing replies to US.
Finally, in 1977, they capitulated to several specific demands of the prisoners to improve the conditions of the camps. The governor of the prison was removed and pensioned off. Their ability to inflict death-producing punishments did them little good, once the prisoners learned of the Achilles' heel of the bureaucracy: paperwork.. The leaders of the Soviet Union could bear it no longer: they deported Bukovsky.
You may have heard of Saul Alinsky. He died in 1972. He gets more publicity these days than he ever got in his lifetime. That is because he was the model for ACORN, the now-defunct community organizing organization. At one stage in his career as a comminity organizer, Barack Obama worked with ACORN.
Alinsky was a follower of Gandhi. That means he refused to use violence in his protests. He was a radical. He was a revolutionary. But he was an opponent of violence. There was a crucial difference between Gandhi's tactics and Alinsky's. Gandhi had a genius for analyzing the British system of controls. He then broke a specific law. That forced the British to arrest him. That gave him a public platform. He spent years in various prisons. This was a high-cost system of resistance. It made him a celebrity. He gained followers. He was world famous.
Alinksy realized early that very few people will pay the price that Gandhi paid. So, he devised a system of resistance that lowered the risk, thereby lowering the cost. He understood the economists' law: "When the cost of producing anything falls, more will be supplied." More of what? Resistance.
His system involved at least one of two tactics: (1) violating a rule to which only a minimal negative sanction was attached, (2) follow the organization's procedural rules to the letter in a Bukovsky-like manner.
He tested his non-violent strategy and tactics in the 1960s in Chicago. He wrote a book on his system, Rules For Radicals (1972). He wrote this.
Let us in the name of radical pragmatism not forget that in our system with all its repressions we can still speak out and denounce the administration, attack its policies, work to build an opposition political base. True, there is still government harassment, but there still is that relative freedom to fight. I can attack my government, try to organize to change it. That's more than I can do in Moscow, Peking, or Havana. Remember the reaction of the Red Guard to the "cultural revolution" and the fate of the Chinese college students. Just a few of the violent episodes of bombings or a courtroom shootout that we have experienced here would have resulted in a sweeping purge and mass executions in Russia, China, or Cuba. Let us keep some perspective.We will start with the system because there is no other place to start from except political lunacy. It is most important for those of us who want revolutionary change to understand that revolution must be preceded by reformation. To assume that a political revolution can survive without a supporting base of popular reformation is to ask for the impossible in politics. Men don't like to step abruptly out of the security of familiar experience; they need a bridge to cross from their own experience to a new way. A revolutionary organizer must shake up the prevailing patterns of their lives – agitate, create disenchantment and discontent with the current values, to produce, if not a passion for change, at least a passive, affirmative, non-challenging climate. "The revolution was effected before the war commenced; John Adams wrote. "The Revolution was in the hearts and minds of the people. . . . This radical change in the principles, opinions, sentiments and affections of the people was the real American Revolution." A revolution without a prior reformation would collapse or become a totalitarian tyranny.
If a radical like Alinsky understood this about the nature of man and social change, conservatives should at least give heed to his conclusions concerning tactics. Not bombs but protests and petitions. Not guns but getting people involved in dragging their feet.
ACORN is no more. Why not? Because a conservative activist had read Alinky's book. He learned early how to use guerilla theater. He pretended to be a pimp. He and a young woman worked out a routine. He presented her to an ACORN worker and asked if she could get help with her profession: a prostitute. They said she wanted to bring in girls from Latin America who were under age 18 to work doing tricks. The representative offered suggestions. They visited three ACORN centers. They got helpful advice at all three.
They had a hidden camcorder.
He then went home, dressed up like a stereotypical black pimp – he and the young woman were white – and had an associate shoot videos of himself and the woman on the street. Then he edited the videos and gave them to Andrew Breitbart, who posted them. They went viral. You can see them here.
ACORN had always had financial support from the U.S. government. That video killed the support. ACORN shut down.
A specter is haunting liberalism: the specter of Saul Alinsky.
We need a positive program of changing people's minds. We also need a negative program of successful resistance techniques that will get the State off our backs long enough for us to go about the work of positive reformation. Meanwhile, we can gum up the works.
That literally happened under Alinsky. Some Christian college was foolish enough to allow students to invite him to speak on campus. A group of disgruntled students met with him after his speech. "How can we change this place? We can't do anything. We can't smoke, dance, go to movies, or drink beer. About all we can do is chew gum." Alinsky told them, "Then gum is your answer."
He told them to get 200 or 300 students to buy two packs of gum each. Chew both packs simultaneously every day, and then spit out the wads on campus walks. As he said, 'Why, with five hundred wads of gum I could paralyze Chicago, stop all the traffic in the Loop." He told them to keep it up until the rules were loosened or abolished. The tactic worked. Two weeks later all the rules were lifted. One new rule was substituted: no gum on campus.
That college administration was weak. Its leaders really did not believe in their own standards. They could have immediately banned gum from the campus the second day, with immediate expulsion as the penalty for anyone caught chewing it. But this would have made them look ridiculous to people on the outside. Expelling kids for chewing gum, when other campuses are being bombed by student radicals? The outsiders would never have seen the hundreds of wads of dried gum on the walkways every morning. Bureaucrats never ever want to look ridiculous. They capitulated. They were, in short, fearful bureaucrats. So are most of the people who will give Christians trouble over the next two decades.
We can learn from Alinsky. We must learn how to gum up the works. We must create a new, hypothetical society, "Gummit," which sounds a lot like "Guvmint."
Here are Alinsky's 13 tactical rules:
- Power is not only what you have but what the enemy thinks you have.
- Never go outside the experience of your people.
- Wherever possible go outside the experience of the enemy.
- Make the enemy live up to their own book of rules.
- Ridicule is man's most potent weapon.
- A good tactic is one your people enjoy.
- A tactic that drags on too long is a drag.
- Keep the pressure on.
- The threat is usually more terrifying than the thing itself.
- The major premise for tactics is the development of operations that will maintain a constant pressure upon the opposition.
- If you push a negative hard and deep enough it will break through into its counter side.
- The price of a successful attack is a constructive alternative.
- Pick the target, freeze it, personalize and polarize it.
Every system can be brought down. Every system is vulnerable. If you can spot the weak point in the system, you can exploit it.
Friday, March 16, 2012
The Origin and Evil of Public Schools
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Thursday, March 15, 2012
Lose the News
Today’s topic is “the news.” Specifically, how consuming it can turn your brain into soft cheese and make you a lousy thinker and investor.
I think the message here is important – and potentially life-changing. Does it sound like I am exaggerating? Hang in there and keep reading. You tell me what you think after you’ve read what I’ve got here.
The impetus for this is an essay by Rolf Dobelli, a Swiss entrepreneur, titled “Avoid News.” Dobelli makes the case that news makes us distracted, wastes time, kills deeper thinking, fills us with anxiety and is toxic to our mental health. His analogy: “News is to the mind what sugar is to the body.”
I shared the essay with my wife Carol after I read it. It made an impact. Carol offered to cancel her electronic subscription to The New York Times if I would cancel my print subscriptions to The Wall Street Journal and The Financial Times. (We already ditched The Washington Post. I got tired of contributing to the salaries of Steven Pearlstein and Ezra Klein, who must be the worst writers on economics in America still getting paychecks.) Neither of us watches TV news.
I had to think about this offer. I love reading the newspapers every morning over breakfast and tea. I also passed on the letter to a buddy of mine who is in the business of advising institutional clients where to put their money. Dobelli had him convinced too, and the next day, he told me he left his WSJ and FT unread.
So what is Dobelli saying? Let me hit some high points.
Dobelli’s analogy with food is a good one. We know if you eat too much junk food, it makes us fat and can cause us all kinds of health problems. Dobelli makes a good case that the mind works the same way. News is brightly colored candy for the mind.
News is systematically misleading, reporting on the highly visible and ignoring the subtle and deeper stories. It is made to grab our attention, not report on the world. And thus, it gives us a false sense of how the world works, masking the truer probabilities of events.
News is mostly irrelevant. Dobelli says to think about the roughly 10,000 news stories you’ve read or heard over the past year. How many helped you make a better decision about something affecting your life? This one hit home.
Last year, I wrote 58 emails to my subscribers under the Capital & Crisis banner. I looked back and counted only five in which a news story was front and center. Even then, I used the news more to make what I was saying seem relevant and timely. But I could’ve excised the news and nothing would’ve been lost.
We get swamped with news, but it is harder to filter out what is relevant – which gets me to another point that hit home. Dobelli talks about the feeling of “missing something.” When traveling, I sometimes have this feeling. But as he says, if something really important happened, you’d hear about it from your friends, family, neighbors and/or co-workers. They also serve as your filter. They won’t tell you about the latest antics of Charlie Sheen because they know you won’t care.
Further, news is not important, but the threads that link stories and give understanding are. Dobelli makes the case that “reading news to understand the world is worse than not reading anything.” In markets, I find this is true. The mainstream press has little understanding of how markets work. They constantly report on trivia and make links where none exist for the sake of a story, or just for the sake of having something that “makes sense.”
In markets, reporters try to explain the market every day. “The market falls on Greek news” is an example. Better to not read anything if you’re going to take this kind of play-by-play seriously at all.
The fact is we don’t know why lots of things happen. We can’t know for sure why, exactly, things unfolded just as they did when they did. As Dobelli writes, “We don’t know why the stock market moves as it moves. Too many factors go into such shifts. Any journalist who writes, ‘The market moved because of X’… is an idiot.”
You contaminate your thinking if you accept the neat packages news provides for why things happen. And Dobelli has all kinds of good stuff about how consuming news makes you a shallow thinker and actually alters the structure of your brain – for the worse.
News is also costly. As Dobelli points out, even checking the news for 15 minutes three times a day adds up to more than five hours a week. For what? He uses the example of the Mumbai terror attacks in 2008. If a billion people spent one hour of their attention on the tragedy by either reading about it in the news or watching it, you’re talking about 1 billion hours. That’s more than 100,000 years. Using the global life expectancy of 66 years means the news consumed nearly 2,000 lives!
Pretty wild, right?
So what to do? Dobelli recommends swearing off newspapers, TV news and websites that provide news. Delete the news apps from your iPhone. No news feeds to your inbox. Instead, read long-form journalism and books. Dobelli likes magazines like Science and The New Yorker, for instance.
As an investor, I’d add some of mine own:
- Ignore any news chatter that attempts to explain or predict what is happening in the stock market
- Stop checking your stock portfolio multiple times a day
- Don’t try to find reasons for every dip and rise in the prices of your stocks. Instead, accept that the vast majority of the time, nothing important happens
- Ignore the drumbeat of economic news. If you must read news, try a perusal of the weekly Economist
- Ignore, especially, the drumbeat of economic data – the unemployment report, GDP, the trade balance and all the rest. As Peter Lynch once wrote, “If all the economists of the world were laid end to end, it wouldn’t be a bad thing.”
- Read the shareholder letters of successful investors. I like reading Steve Romick at FPA, for instance. I also enjoy the shareholder letters of the Third Avenue family of funds. There are many others. Read any research such investment houses share
- Spend little or no time trying to guess where you think the market and economy will go. Instead, focus on finding good deals and winning teams of entrepreneurs and investors that you can invest alongside
- Listen in on the conference calls of your favorite companies and investors
- Check the stories and prices on your stocks once a quarter
- Read books written by successful investors. Then read them again. Some of my favorite authors include Martin Whitman, Seth Klarman, Peter Lynch, Ralph Wanger, Benjamin Graham and Joel Greenblatt. I’m sure I’m leaving a bunch out, but you can put together a truly awesome library of successful investors for little money
Read books that deepen your understanding of markets and how they work. Read Louis Lowenstein and James Grant, for two of my favorites.
My fundamental problem with the news is that it makes it seem as if important things happen every day. The vast majority of the time, nothing of any significance happens whatsoever – which is good for you. If you avoid a lot of the news, you will have a lot more time to dedicate to other things. Feed your brain good food and you’ll get better results. It seems that simple.
Dobelli himself has sworn off the news. And he reports he feels much better for it: “less disruption, more time, less anxiety, deeper thinking and more insights.” I can’t do the whole idea justice here. If you want to read Dobelli, check out the full essay here.
Print it out. Turn off the smartphone. Stop checking email for 25 minutes. And just read it. Be forewarned: It might just change your life.
March 13, 2012
Chris Mayer is a veteran of the banking industry, specifically in the area of corporate lending. A financial writer since 1998, Mr. Mayer's essays have appeared in a wide variety of publications, from the Daily Article series to The Daily Reckoning. He is the editor of Mayer's Special Situations and Capital and Crisis – formerly the Fleet Street Letter.
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Wednesday, March 14, 2012
Homeless by Choice: How to Live for Free in America
More than a decade ago, Daniel Suelo closed his bank account and moved into a desert cave. Here's how he eats, sleeps, and evades the law.
"Our whole society is designed so that you have to have money," Daniel Suelo says. "You have to be a part of the capitalist system. It's illegal to live outside of it."
Suelo has defied these laws. His primary residence is the canyons near Arches National Park, where he has lived in a dozen caves tucked into sandstone nooks. In the fall of 2002, two years after quitting money, he homesteaded a majestic alcove high on a cliff, two hundred feet across and fifty feet tall. Sitting inside and gazing into the gorge below felt like heralding himself to the world from inside the bell of a trumpet.
Suelo's grotto was a two-hour walk from pavement, and he settled in for the long haul. He chipped at the rocky ground to create a wide, flat bed, and lined it with tarps and pads and sleeping bags that had been left out with someone else's trash. He built wood-burning cook-stoves from old tin cans. He learned to forage for cactus pods, yucca seeds, wildflowers, and the watercress that grew in the creek. He drank from springs, bathed in the creek. From a chunk of talus he carved a statue, a ponderous head like some monolith from Easter Island.
In warm months the cave attracted occasional hikers, and when Suelo was away, he left a note. Feel free to camp here. What's mine is yours. Eat any of my food. Read my books. Take them with you if you'd like. Visitors left notes in return, saying they were pleased with his caretaking.
Then one day, after several years of peace, a ranger from the Bureau of Land Management arrived to evict him. Suelo had long since violated the fourteen-day limit.
"If I were hiking along here and I saw this camp," said the ranger, "I'd feel like I wasn't allowed here, that it was someone else's space. But this is public land." The ranger wrote a ticket for $120.
"Well, I don't use money," Suelo said. "So I can't pay this." Not only did he not use money, he had discarded his passport and driver's license. He had even discarded his legal surname, Shellabarger, in favor of Suelo, Spanish for "soil."
The ranger felt conflicted. He'd spent years chasing vandals and grave robbers through these canyons; he knew that Suelo was not harming the land. In some ways, Suelo was a model steward. The ranger offered to drive him to the next county to see a judge and resolve the citation.
The next day, these odd bedfellows, a penniless hobo and a federal law enforcer, climbed into a shimmering government-issue truck and sped across the desert. As they drove, Suelo outlined his philosophy of moneyless living while the ranger explained why he had become a land manager-- to stop people from destroying nature. "And then someone like you comes along," he said, "and I struggle with my conscience."
They arrived at the courthouse. The judge was a kindly white-haired man. "So you live without money," he drawled. "This is an honorable thing. But we live in the modern world. We have all these laws for a reason."
Suelo hears this all the time: that we're living in different times now, that however noble his values, their practice is obsolete. He even heard it once when he knocked on the door of a Buddhist monastery and asked to spend the night, and a monk informed him that rates began at fifty dollars. The Buddha himself would have been turned away, Suelo observed.
"We're living in a different age than the Buddha," he was told. But Suelo simply doesn't accept this distinction.
To the Utah judge casting about for an appropriate sentence, Suelo suggested service at a shelter for abused women and children. They agreed on twenty hours. Suelo volunteered regularly at the shelter anyway, so the punishment was a bit like sending Brer Rabbit back to the briar patch. And within a few weeks of eviction from his grand manor, he found a new cave, this time a tiny crevice where he would not be discovered.
It's tempting to conclude that Suelo's years in the wilderness have transformed him into a crusader for the earth. And clearly his lifestyle has a lower impact than virtually anybody else's in America. Without a car or a home to heat and cool, he produces hardly any carbon dioxide. Foraging for wild raspberries and spearfishing salmon has close to zero environmental cost--no production, no transportation. And although food gathered from a dumpster must be grown and processed and shipped, rescuing it from the trash actually prevents the further expenditure of energy to haul and bury that excess in a landfill.
Suelo brings into existence no bottles, cans, wrappers, bags, packaging, nor those plastic six- pack rings that you're supposed to snip up with scissors to save the seabirds. As for the benefits of pitching Coke bottles into the recycling bin-- Suelo is the guy pulling those bottles out of the bin, using them until they crack, then pitching them back. The carbon footprint of the average American is about twenty tons per year. Suelo's output is probably closer to that of an Ethiopian-- about two hundred pounds, or about one half of 1 percent of an American's.
"He wants to have the smallest ecological footprint and the largest possible impact at improving the world," says his best friend, Damian Nash. "His life goal since I met him is to take as little and give as much as possible."
That said, Suelo constantly rethinks and interprets the rules of living without money. In the spring of 2001, Suelo had his one major lapse. While staying at a commune in Georgia, wondering how he was going to get back to Utah for a friend's wedding, a most tempting and confounding piece of mail arrived: a tax return in the amount of five hundred dollars. "This experiment of having no money is on hold now," Suelo wrote in a mass email to friends and family. He cashed the check, paid the deposit on a drive- away car, and blasted across America at the wheel of a brand- new, midnight- blue, convertible Mercedes-Benz 600 sports coupe.
"What a kick it is to go from penniless hitchhiker to driving a Mercedes!" he wrote. "I got a deep breath of the southern U.S. all the way to New Mexico, riding most the way with the top down. On top of that, I get so much pleasure seeing the look on hitch-hikers' faces when a Mercedes stops for them." Later that summer he ditched the remainder of the money "because it felt like a ball and chain," and has not returned to it since.
Suelo's quest for Free Parking might be easy if he availed himself of government programs or private homeless shelters. But Suelo refuses these charities as by-products of the money system he rejects. He does, however, accept hospitality that is freely given. He has knocked on the door of a Catholic Workers house, a Unitarian church, and a Zen center, and has been offered a place to sleep. He has spent time in a number of communes, including one in Georgia where members weave hammocks to provide income, and another in Oregon where residents grow their own vegetables. In Portland, Oregon, he stays at urban squats populated by anarchists, or in communal homes that welcome transients.
Suelo is also welcomed by family, friends, and complete strangers. He has lost count of the times someone picked him up hitchhiking, then brought him home and served him a meal. A Navajo man gave his own bed to Suelo and slept on the couch, then in the morning treated him to breakfast. Through two decades in Moab, Suelo has developed a reputation as a reliable house sitter. In a town of seasonal workers who often leave home for months at a time, his services are in high demand.
Even with all the roofs offered, Suelo spends the majority of his nights outdoors. He camps in wilderness, the red rock country around Sedona, Arizona, or the Gila of New Mexico, where he spent a few weeks learning survival skills from a hermit. One summer, Suelo commandeered a piece of plastic dock that had floated down the Willamette River, in the heart of Portland, and paddled it to the brambles of the undeveloped island. "I had visions of building a cob house," he says, but that didn't pan out.
He spent another summer in the woods by Mount Tamalpais, just north of San Francisco. He dropped his pack just thirty feet from a trail and lived undetected in the heart of one of the wealthiest zip codes in America. He spent a month camped in a bird refuge on the University of Florida campus in Gainesville. Turns out there are plenty of places to sleep free in America: you just have to know where to look.
Adapted from Mark Sundeen's The Man Who Quit Money (Riverhead Trade, 2012).
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Tuesday, March 13, 2012
50 FREE survival / prepper videos
OMG We’re All Going To Die!
(Yeah, eventually we will…but in the meantime our chances are better if we are prepared.)
These FREE films (courtesy of the United States government and the folks at seem like they’d sure be helpful in a homesteading or a SHTF survival situation. Most of these are gov’t films so your tax dollars already paid for them; you can watch them online or download each movie for viewing later on.
Here’s how to download: on each video’s page you’ll see a menu on the left hand side. Right-click your mouse on the link and choose SAVE AS to download it. MPEG4 (.MP4) is the most popular of the file types:
- Aircrew Survival: Cold Land Survival FAA.
- Aircrew Survival: Hot Land Survival FAA.
- Aircrew Survival: Survival Kits, Rafts, Accessories FAA.
- Aircrew Survival: Survival Medicine FAA.
- Aircrew Survival:Surviving on Open Water FAA.
- Aircrew Survival:Survival Signaling FAA.
- Aircrew Survival: Tropical Survival FAA.
- Aircrew Survival: The Will to Survive FAA.
- Anchoring Home Fuel Tanks “illustrates the importance of securing home fuel tanks to the structure to prevent damage during disasters. “
- Animals In Emergencies (2007) FEMA: “The video is intended to help pet and livestock owners prepare to protect their animals during emergencies. It informs owners about the key points in developing a plan to evacuate animals or to shelter them in place and how to find resources in their community to assist them.
- Assembling a Can Sealer (2009) Alaska Cooperative Extension Service/USDA: “This [video] provides a thorough overview of the basic canning and preserving process for meat and fish in cans.”
- An Ax To Grind – Pt 1 (1999) USDA film: “Hanging an Ax, Sharpening.”
- An Ax To Grind – Pt 2 (1999) USDA film: “Single and double bit, chopping, splitting axes, broad ax, broad ax hewing, adzes, hatchets.”
- Are You Ready? Another FEMA video; meh, but shows how to properly use a generator.
- A Better Way Program 149 USDA: “Program 149: How to grow good cucumbers; Home made toys; Pocket sandwiches; How to split wood and the tools to use; How to make pickles and relish at home; Tips on backpacking.”
- Canning Fish in Cans (2009) Alaska Cooperative Extension Service/USDA: “This [video] provides a thorough overview of the basic canning and preserving process for meat and fish in cans.”
- Canning Fish in Jars (2009) Alaska Cooperative Extension Service/USDA: “This [video] provides a thorough overview of the basic canning and preserving process for meat and fish in cans.” (I think they mean jars)
- Canning Game Meat In Cans (2009) Alaska Cooperative Extension Service/USDA: “This [video] provides a thorough overview of the basic canning and preserving process for meat and fish in cans.”
- Canning Game Meat In Jars (2009) Alaska Cooperative Extension Service/USDA: “This [video] provides a thorough overview of the basic canning and preserving process for meat and fish in cans.” (I think they mean jars)
- Collecting and Using Alaska’s Wild Berries (2009) Alaska Cooperative Extension Service/USDA: “this DVD will help you learn to identify the many species of edible Alaska wild berries and show you how to avoid poisonous species. You’ll also learn to identify habitats where your favorite berries grow and, once you’ve picked them, how to clean, freeze and can them for storage.”
- Crop Tree Management for the Landowner USDA: “Understanding that trees compete with each other for sunlight, moisture, and soil nutrients is a basic concept for understanding how to increase the growth rate of trees. Knowing the tree species, how each species provides desired benefits, and being able to assess the health of each tree provides the basis for selecting “crop trees.”
- Developing Self-Reliance (1951) Old, but I don’t think this is taught any longer
- Direction, Orientation, and Location with a Compass (1967) “features and use of lensatic compass in map orientation, in finding direction and location, and in land navigation, by day and night.”
- Drying Fruits (2009) Alaska Cooperative Extension Service/USDA: “This [video] provides a step-by-step guide to drying your own foods. Included are comprehensive instructions for drying fruits, vegetables and herbs and making fruit leather.”
- Drying Herbs (2009) Alaska Cooperative Extension Service/USDA: “This [video] provides a step-by-step guide to drying your own foods. Included are comprehensive instructions for drying fruits, vegetables and herbs and making fruit leather.”
- Drying Vegetables (2009) Alaska Cooperative Extension Service/USDA: “This [video] provides a step-by-step guide to drying your own foods. Included are comprehensive instructions for drying fruits, vegetables and herbs and making fruit leather.”
- Forgotten Historical Activities (2009) Take a step back in time. How people spent their daily lives 150 years ago was very different from our current reality. Their ordinary activities mostly involved their survival needs of food, clothing and shelter. These things were common and necessary and we can now see their unique reality through this historical overview video.
- Grid, Distance, and Elevation “use of military grid system to locate positions; use of graphic scales to measure distance; use of contour lines to identify topographic detail.”
- Homesteading and Farming Activities (2009) Where did my people come from? America was founded and settled mostly by European peasants. They sought a new life, freedom, and land ownership. There are many stories of why and where your family came from and how America developed into what it is today. Native Indians, African slaves, Asians and many outside ethnic cultures were a part of this expanding melting pot nation.
- Hypothermia (1986) USCG: “Cold weather can kill as easily as a fall from a cliff. This program demonstrates the danger of hypothermia on a fishing boat, how to recognize hypothermia, what to do about it, and how to prevent it.”
- Indroduction to Communicable Disease Nursing (1975) Good basic nursing and hygiene practices.
- Infusing Vinegars (1999) “a thorough overview of basic canning and preserving processes for pickling foods”
- Jams & Jellies (2009) Alaska Cooperative Extension Service/USDA: “how to make your own jams and jellies from fruits and berries. You’ll find out what equipment you need as well as necessary and optional ingredients, including sweeteners, liquids and pectin. You’ll also learn how to safely process your jams and jellies in a boiling water bath and how to cool and store your finished product.”
- Knots, Bends and Hitches (1973) “Teaches how to tie the square knot, figure 8, bowline, half hitch, timber hitch, rolling hitch, clove hitch, cats paw, single and double sheet or becket bend, fisherman’s bend, and double carrick bend.”
- Learning Again: Safe Rooms (2005) “In this program, the theory behind wind damage in tornadoes and safe room construction concepts is explored; also hear from a tornado survivor.”
- Living Off The Land (1955) Military film about “”how to survive under emergency conditions in the north temperate regions
- Making Fruit Leather (1999) “provides the information you need to get started making sausage and jerky.”
- Making Sauerkraut (1999) “provides the information you need to get started making sausage and jerky.”
- Making Sausage (1999) “provides the information you need to get started making sausage and jerky.”
- Making Jerky (1999) “provides the information you need to get started making sausage and jerky.”
- Man & Safety “uses animation to explain how communications; physical limitations; physiological limitations; and supervision relate to the role of human limitations in accidents.”
- Map Symbols (1967) Army Traing Film “black symbols of cultural detail, boundary lines, blue symbols for water, green symbols for vegetation, and brown symbols for contour lines.”
- Nature’s resources for survival (2009) “For the land of the free and the home of the brave. The pioneers used all of natures resources for survival. Food that was not grown on the farm, was hunted and trapped. The animals were used for their fur as well as their meat, bones, and organs. Our ancestors understood that all the fundamental natural resources were important for survival and included: plants, animals, minerals, fuels, water, soil & rocks, air & wind, and the forests and pastures.”
- Overview of Drying (2009) Alaska Cooperative Extension Service/USDA: “This [video] provides a step-by-step guide to drying your own foods. Included are comprehensive instructions for drying fruits, vegetables and herbs and making fruit leather.”
- Past Military, Social and Leisure Activities “We the people. Americaâs melting pot of many cultures became one unique nation, with values, and a strong heritage. The new world was founded on the principles of life, liberty and justice for all. The military and government administered the law. Another important needed aspect of life were social and relationship activities. These things included music, holidays, playing games, dancing, and sports.”
- Pickling Vegetables (1999) “a thorough overview of basic canning and preserving processes for pickling foods”
- Prevention of Cold Injury (July 1, 1975) “When training in the arctic, the soldier must contend with that most ancient enemy of man–the cold. since clothing dictates much about how the soldier will perform in a freezing climate, how to dress and what to wear is given prime consideration in this film. too, proper foot care and hygiene is stressed, as is safety in handling equipment. “
- Principles of Field Medical Service (1966) “Medical facility and facility in field – litter team, aid station, division clearing station emergency surgical hospital, evacuation hospital, general hospital and large medical center in CONUS.”
- Public Shelter Living: The Story of Shelter 104 (1964) “a gem of a civil defense film from 1964. It begins with shelter manager Bob and his assistant, a chirpy blonde, counting people coming into a public Fallout Shelter to avoid the off-camera atomic attack. The thirty-minute black and white movie concerns the challenges of living in a shelter “for as long as we have to.” At one point Shelter Manager Bob tells everyone “That it won’t be any picnic in here. There’s going to be a certain amount of discomfort for all of us.” He then urges his captive audience to “sit down, remain calm and continue filling out those forms that were handed to you.””
- Residential Shelter In Place (2002) FEMA video about sheltering in place, in case of external threats.
- Rural Surveillance (1993) FBI training film “The video shows how to conduct a proper surveillance in rural areas. This includes proper camouflage, use of cover, and tactics as set down in the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center (FLETC) policy.”
- Southern Hybrid Striped Bass North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service: “this DVD covers most of the considerations for producing, harvesting and marketing of striped bass”
- Star Identification (1942) US Navy: “shows how to identify stars and constellations at various latitudes.”
- Sub-Arctic Winter Bivouacking (1955) US Army training film.
- Survivial Stresses (1955) Another DOD film about survival: “methods of detecting, understanding and combating such stresses as hunger, thirst, cold, fatigue, and fear. shows how to recognize and avoid dehydration”
- Vehicle Ambush: Counterattacks, ca. 1976 formerly “restricted” film about evasive countermeasures that a vehicle’s driver can take, against terrorist ambushes. Very 1970′s and I expected the Beastie Boys to show up at any minute.
- Water Purification Methods with Tony Nester and Outside Magazine
- What To Do In A Zombie Attack (2006) I think FEMA ripped this off recently.
- Y for Youth (A to Z of Bushcraft) “The future of Bushcraft lay in the next generation so Andrew trains a group of young people in building a debris shelter, walking silently in the woods and how to use a knife. They also learn how to cook and eat worms!”
Next post is going to be about free government films and documents about weapons.
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