Tuesday, January 31, 2017
Coast To Coast AM - January 30, 2017 Alternative Health & Uri Geller's Secret Life
During the first half, Dr. Joel Wallach discussed alternative health approaches, and the benefits of remedies and supplements that aid in the body's recovery from many diseases and ailments. He began with his philosophy that you should treat your body like you would your car, and engage in "preventative maintenance." Wallach claims that massive doses of cholesterol can alleviate the symptoms of Parkinson’s, MS and ALS. He believes the secret is to eat at least "10-12 eggs per day per 100 pounds of body weight." Wallach also pointed to recent studies which indicate that Sudden Infant Death Syndrome and Cystic Fibrosis can be treated with selenium supplements.
Eric, a police officer from Connecticut called in to share his problem with high blood pressure. Wallach suggested he eliminate sugar, gluten, processed foods and meat, and stick to steamed vegetables, cooked fresh meats and a mixture of supplements from his company. John in St. Louis was worried about a disease in his family that causes calcium deposits on the brain. Wallach said that, contrary to current medical opinion, the problem is not genetic and can be treated by eliminating gluten from the diet, among other changes. Sheera in California asked how much of the anti-inflammatory spice turmeric is safe to take, and Wallach suggested that a good amount would be between 250-500 milligrams per day. Those who wish to join the CriticalHealthNews.Com business team are encouraged to write to business@criticalhealthnews.com or call 855 949-7234.
Uri Geller is the world's most investigated and celebrated paranormalist. He is known around the globe for his mind bending psychic powers and has led a very unique life shrouded in debate, controversy and mystery. In the second half, he joined George to talk about his life and his work for many clients and governmental agencies around the world. He recalled how, in 1970, legendary scientist Dr. Andrija Puharich was sent to Israel to test his abilities, which he declared as genuine. This led to a request to be tested in the United States by scientists working for the CIA, although Geller did not know this at the time. Recently released documents reveal the extent of the official interest in psychic functioning during that period. Geller believes that the agency wanted to weaponize his abilities.
Of his detractors, such as James Randi, Geller said that if they didn’t exist, he "would have had to invent one." He believes that skeptics and others who tried to bring him down only helped his cause by making him more controversial and famous. Geller also related that late astronaut Ed Mitchell took him to NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center to meet a famous individual who said he would be convinced of the psychic’s abilities if he could bend his wedding ring. The man was former Nazi scientist Wehner Von Braun and Geller says he did in fact bend the thick metal. Just before the last break, Geller tried a live experiment where he asked the listeners to bring in their broken watches and other appliances to see if he could help get them working again. Throughout the program, Geller emphasized that psychic abilities and developing them are far less important than cultivating a positive state of mind, which he called an "attitude of gratitude."
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Monday, January 30, 2017
Coast To Coast AM - January 29, 2017 Belcher Island & Supernatural Canada
Coast To Coast AM - January 29, 2017 Belcher Island & Supernatural Canada
Author and researcher Lawrence Millman joined George Knapp in the first half to discuss a bizarre story of faith gone horribly wrong in the frozen north of Canada.
Canada is a hot spot for paranormal activity, according to paranormal investigator and medium, Dawn Hunter Clark. In part two, she began by telling George about her Catholic upbringing and the rejection of all things paranormal.
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Sunday, January 29, 2017
Coast To Coast AM - January 28, 2017 Broken Heart Syndrome & More
Coast To Coast AM - January 28, 2017 Broken Heart Syndrome & More
Joining Dave in the first hour, fourth generation psychic medium Mark Anthony discussed how the death of a loved one can lead to "Broken Heart Syndrome.
Dave Schrader welcomed journalist Claudia Rowe in the second half
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Saturday, January 28, 2017
Coast To Coast AM - January 27, 2017 Haunted Hinsdale House & Open Lines
In the first half, filling in for George Noory, Dave Schrader (email) welcomed paranormal investigator Daniel Klaes, who co-founded the Greater Western New York Paranormal Society. He spoke on the mysterious history, strange sightings, and unexplained events that encompass the haunted Hinsdale house, which he was recently able to purchase. Klaes first encountered the property as a paranormal investigator in 2010. He said that the home is in the "middle of nowhere," there is no phone service and it is completely isolated. Since becoming involved with the home and its history, Klaes feels that "it calls me to go there," but "I can’t let it take over my whole life." He claims that every visit to the place features some sort of unexplained activity, and believes a failed exorcism in the 1970s is the source of much of the paranormal activity in the house.
According to Klaes, the main family associated with the house were the Dandys, who owned the property for four years in the 1970s. It was they who experienced the first serious reported phenomena. The Dandys went to the Catholic Church for help exorcising the property, but were told by the priest who tried that "my best advice to you is to leave." After that, Klaes believes, the haunting and other phenomena began in earnest. Other families attempted to live in the home, but never lasted more than a few months or years at the most. One family left all of their furniture and other possessions because they thought that the entities in the place would follow if they knew they were leaving. Klaes has experienced and seen photos of what looks like "an Indian chief," a small boy, a shadow figure, and a ghostly woman in white from various places on the property and in the house, as well a numerous EVP recordings and forces that appear both good and malevolent.
During Open Lines, Steven called from Oceanside, California to tell of a terrifying episode of sleep paralysis that manifested as the figure sitting or laying on top of him with a weight that seemed to immobilize him and also perceived that he was "being choked by a tiny little redheaded woman." When his grandmother showed him a picture of his great aunt, he recognized the woman as the one he saw during the event. Donald from Kentucky had a similar experience, which later happened again when he was deployed as a soldier in Iraq. Adam in Pennsylvania recalled a startling incident from his childhood when his grandfather apparently answered a request through a ouija board to knock on the outside of the family home.
Colleen in Colorado Springs told Dave that after seeing the movie "The Excorcist" as a young girl, that she came home and was startled to see a wooden cross on her bedroom wall turn upside down as she watched. Two callers related experiences of possible time slips: Rob in Missouri recalled a story his grandfather told of visiting a small cabin in the woods during a nighttime rainstorm. The house contained "Victorian-era antiques" that looked brand-new, as well as other objects. When he returned a few days later to the same spot, a small tree that was next to the building was now full-grown and the structure was no longer there. Curt from St. Louis recalled seeing a line of what looked like confederate soldiers marching by his home, while one of the men looked at him with surprise and fear.
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Friday, January 27, 2017
Coast To Coast AM - January 26, 2017 9th Planet & Animal Extinctions
Coast To Coast AM - January 26, 2017 9th Planet & Animal Extinctions
Earthfiles investigative reporter Linda Moulton Howe discussed details of a "Planet Nine" in our solar system; a professor's finding of stars with peculiar pulsations that might be indicators of ET life; and the danger of extinction this century for the cheetah and giraffe.
First hour guest, astrologer Kenneth Bowser shared predictions of a large earthquake and a major stock market correction in 2017.
Coast To Coast AM - January 26, 2017 9th Planet & Animal Extinctions
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Coast To Coast AM - January 25, 2017 Technology Overload & Inner Earth
In the first half, psychotherapist, interfaith minister, and author Nancy Colier discussed how our reliance on technology is rapidly changing the way each of us experiences life, and exacerbates problems like the bullying of children, escalating it to vicious online attacks. In some ways, she noted, technology is ahead of humans, and children are losing the connection between what's happening on their screen and what's real. The reptile or primitive part of the brain is drawn to pleasure, entertainment, and distraction that the online world provides, and unfortunately we're not using technology in a more evolved or aware manner, she remarked. Cyber bullying, she continued, is enabled by its anonymity or remoteness, and the bullies seem to get a psychological or dopamine rush from it.
Many people have become obsessed with their phones or being online, and in one extreme case, a couple in South Korea was arrested for homicide because they were so busy playing an online game involving a virtual family that they forgot to feed their own child. Concerning "selfie" culture, people can become so fixated on photographing themselves in different places that they lose the experience they're actually in, she cited. And, she added, posting their images on social networks can turn into a way to seek external validation by the number of "likes," rather than deriving self-worth from themselves. Colier suggests people take back control, and use technology as an empowered or mindful tool that brings good things, rather than letting it override your life.
In the latter half, electrical engineer with a doctorate in Physics, Brooks Agnew, shared updates on his work including North Pole Inner-Earth expeditions, and his hypothesis that Earth is made of two planets. Citing a 2007 study that showed a possible huge "ocean" existing underneath Earth's crust, he noted that a huge piece of ice broke off in the Arctic in 2008, and new or extinct species started emerging from the area, indicating that they may have come from the inner ocean.
While his previous expeditions to travel in an icebreaker to the North Pole to explore a possible entrance to an Inner Earth did not get off the ground, a new effort has been revived. A 15-day expedition is tentatively slated for the summer of 2018, he reported, with the possible involvement of various cable TV science channels that would shoot footage for a reality or documentary series. Agnew spoke about his concept explored in his three "Bearth" novels, that our planet and its population is splitting off into two separate worlds, one of high frequency, the other a low frequency. He also shared some of his notions of what the future holds, including a celestial event in 2022, when a pair of neutron stars coalesce, forming a bright new star in the firmament that leads to religious upheaval.
News segment guests: Catherine Austin Fitts, Lauren Weinstein
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Coast To Coast AM - January 24, 2017 Espionage & Intelligence, Open Lines
In the first half, one of Britain's leading military historians and lecturers, Colonel John Hughes-Wilson discussed his latest work on the history of intelligence and espionage, including the dangerous uncertainties of spies and human intelligence, how WikiLeaks really happened, and whether the 9-11 attacks could have been avoided. The methods of intelligence have changed over the years, he outlined, with the birth of aerial photography and primitive signals in WWI, radar in WWII, and satellites during the Cold War. The world of intelligence is very much on the technical side these days, he added, but human spies are still needed to carry out certain missions, especially when it comes to determining the intentions of potential enemies.
The problem with the American intelligence agencies is that they tend to compete with each other rather than collaborate as such organizations do in Britain, he noted. For instance, in the case of 9-11, he cited how the compartmentalization of intelligence worked against America's prevention efforts. Both the CIA and NSA didn't share pertinent information they had on the eventual suspects with each other, or the FBI, he reported.
He expressed great concern over the growth of the surveillance state, with organizations like the NSA having the ability to listen to everyone, anywhere, all the time, especially in tandem with closed circuit cameras in countless locations. "We really need to think through the implications of that for the future, because we can't disinvent it," he commented. Regarding WikiLeaks, Julian Assange is akin to a "fence" or purveyor of stolen goods, who left Chelsea Manning to take the rap, said Hughes-Wilson. But when it comes to Edward Snowden, is he a traitor or a whistleblower? "I personally think he's done something treacherous," even though his motivations might have been good, he went about it the wrong way.
During the latter half, Open Lines were featured. Brooke from El Paso talked about the rise of fake news, and lamented that the US government is guilty of feeding the public false stories, such as the Warren Commission report. Howard in Vancouver, Washington shared his intrigue over details from a past C2C show, in which researcher Ted Phillips described his investigation of a strange Slovakian artifact. Leo from San Ysidro, CA related a haunting account of driving his boss' car, and seeing a strange black silhouette in the rear view mirror that seemed to be trailing him. Later, his boss told him he believed the figure was a jinn or genie, and ended up getting rid of the vehicle.
News segment guests: John Curtis, Jeffrey Smith
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Tuesday, January 24, 2017
Coast To Coast AM - January 23, 2017 Trump, Fake News & The Strange & Unexplained
In the first half, author and adventurer Robert Young Pelton, who has traveled the globe working with private military contractors, discussed his inside knowledge of the mechanics of fake news, the background of some of President Trump's key appointees, as well as updates on ISIS, and various conflicts. Many of the writers caught as hoaxers of news stories have been able to monetize the results by carefully structuring their articles to appeal to people, he revealed. Military-level psy-op tactics, he noted, have been deployed in social media and campaigns, such as using bots to re-tweet Trump's negative Twitter comments, which can influence the public, because of its seeming popularity.
Regarding Trump's selection of General Mike Flynn as his national security advisor, Pelton believes he'll have a calming effect on the President, as he's very experienced and capable (he helped defeat al Qaeda in Iraq), in spite of controversies over his phone calls to the Russian ambassador. What sets Trump apart from previous presidents, Pelton continued, is that he talks directly to the American public via his tweets and speeches, and doesn't need to have a symbiotic relationship with the media.
With a life-long interest in the paranormal, author and podcaster Jim Harold shared some of his latest stories from the world of the strange and unexplained. One tale concerned an entity referred to as the "Lamp Lady." A girl named Amy was given an unusual lamp featuring a ceramic Flamenco dancer and within a week, odd episodes began. She repeatedly saw a figure of a woman in her bedroom doorway who approached closer and closer. When they finally got rid of the lamp, the visitations ceased. He also related the story of a man named Gabriel from Texas, who described a neighbor's adventures with her Ouija board, in which the board actually inched across the room by itself.
Harold detailed several accounts of doppelgangers, and ghostly interactions. In one intriguing case, a young father from Michigan in the 1990s, was at home with his wife and baby, and when he would hear the child crying, he would sometimes see in his peripheral vision a figure walk to the baby's room. He assumed it was his wife, as the crying would stop. But eventually, he realized it wasn't his spouse, as it happened even when she was at work. He continued to peripherally see a shadowy female shape, dubbed the 'Ghost Nanny,' move from the kitchen to the bedroom, whenever the child would cry.
News segment guests: Jerome Corsi, Steve Kates
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Monday, January 23, 2017
Coast To Coast AM - January 22, 2017 Mind & Scientific Transformation, Matua Island Mysteries
In the first hour, George Knapp was joined by the Foundations of Mind project founder Seán O Nualláin, who asserts that the proper study of mind is the most important scientific venture in which humanity has engaged. Consciousness at its most exalted is part of something bigger, getting to know itself through the individual mind, he explained. It tends to have certain signatures, he continued, such as gamma brainwaves associated with meditators. Further, when the brain is in the meditative state, it uses a lot less energy, which is healthy for the overall physical being, he added. Foundations of Mind is presenting a conference on Friday, January 27th in San Francisco, entitled: Quantum Mechanics Meets Neurodynamics-- An Emerging 21st Century Science of Consciousness.
Following in the second hour was Prof. James Secord, who discussed how the first half of the 19th century witnessed an extraordinary transformation across many fields, and the fascinating ways that science was written about and viewed in that time period. By studying certain key books of that era by authors such as Charles Babbage (who originated the concept of a computer) and Thomas Carlyle, he reflected on the meaning of science, and how at one time it was tied to literature, poetry, and philosophy. The word scientist first came into use in this era, and tended to refer to all kinds of knowledge, and there was some debate about what it should include, he noted. Curiously, in its early usage in the UK, the word "scientist" was actually a put-down, and didn't take off as a reputable designation until the second half of the 19th century and later.
In the latter half, UFO and paranormal researcher Paul Stonehill talked about the mysterious uninhabited island of Matua (related video), a tiny volcanic land mass in the Pacific. The six-mile long island, which is dominated by a powerful volcano, has been under control at different times by Japan, Russia, and the Nazis, he reported. In the 1930s, Japan fortified the island, carving into its rocks, and was said to store heavy weapons there. According to rumors, Russia's recent investigation of Matua found an underground city that extended 54 stories down, said Stonehill, adding that secret weapons or research could still be hidden on the island.
In 1944, during WWII, an American submarine was lost near the island, and was just discovered by the Russians in 2016, and no one knew how the craft was sunk. In 1989, a powerful green-colored projector beam was observed searching the island, and the Soviets send a detachment to investigate, yet found nothing. Additionally, Stonehill continued, Soviet border guards have disappeared from the island under unusual circumstances. He also talked about the Monchegorsk UFO case of 1987, in which a small shuttle-like object was found in the Soviet Union's Monche Tundra, and it was determined that the craft was designed for very small pilots, and had no doors or exits.
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Sunday, January 22, 2017
Coast To Coast AM - January 21, 2017 Were the Moon Landings Hoaxed
Coast To Coast AM - January 21, 2017 Were the Moon Landings Hoaxed
Forty-six years ago last July, two American astronauts flew to, landed on, and walked over the lunar surface, then returned triumphantly to Earth. The Moon landings have been voted the most memorable TV event of the 20th century. But do NASA's claims of evidence stand up to scrutiny? Marcus Allen, the UK publisher of NEXUS Magazine, joined guest host Richard Syrett to discuss why an increasing number of people now have doubts and if thousands of photographs were really taken on the lunar surface, or during the training exercises here on Earth. First hour guest, political scientist Joel Skousen offered analysis on the Trump presidency
Coast To Coast AM - January 21, 2017 Were the Moon Landings Hoaxed
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Saturday, January 21, 2017
Coast To Coast AM - January 20, 2017 Sci -Fi & Entertainment
During the latter half of the program, writer-producer-director Marc Zicree joined George Noory to discuss the strange realm of the entertainment industry, the sometimes heroic effort it takes to break in to the field, and his current projects. Zicree suggested sci-fi entertainment can transport viewers/readers into the future, open them up to new possibilities, and cover heated issues of the day in a way that is fresh and non-adversarial. He spoke about how digital video, computer effects, and new distribution platforms have changed the industry, eliminating many of the barriers to entry faced by masters such as Twilight Zone's Rod Serling. Zicree called Serling the first showrunner and one-of-a-kind producer who wrote 92 of the 152 Twilight Zone episodes.
"I much prefer the way TV is done now to the way it was done back then," he continued. Zicree, who now runs his own studio, is producing a sci-fi series called Space Command. The first two-hour story has been shot as well as part of the second episode, and the show is currently being pitched to networks, he reported. Zicree explained the work that goes into the thousands of hours of visual effects in his new show, and how the production may have to change should it be acquired by Amazon, Netflix, or another network. "When I showed the opening five minutes... the network executives and friends who run network shows are amazed," he said. They are also interested in the project because it was crowd-funded and comes with an automatic fan base, Zicree confessed.
In the first hour, columnist Dr. John Curtis provided his analysis of the Trump Inauguration. "It's a proud moment to see the country led by somebody who truly wants to do something different," he said. Curtis called Trump an American icon and lauded him for leaving his successful real estate development business to take on the sacrifices of the presidency. A peaceful exchange of power occurred despite the protests and riots, he reported, calling out the rioters as paid anarchists. Curtis identified some challenges Trump will face as president, including dislike by the left and his own party, as well as the Cold War hysteria on Capitol Hill. Trump will be a positive voice for practical change in the United States, he suggested.
Second hour guest, futurist Paul Guercio of the Merlin Project, updated the presidential 'timetraks' produced by his software-based forecasting technology. "We said, and we were the only people who said this... the two people that had the best timetraks were Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump," he explained, adding his belief it would have been Sanders against Trump had the DNC not manipulated the primaries. According to Guercio, Trump's timetrak shows a steep drop off in activity around the end of his first year. This change, along with a ramp up in Pence's chart for 2018 and 2019, may indicate something very dramatic alters the circumstances of Trump's presidency, Guercio revealed.
News segment guests: Chris Berry / Howard Bloom / Peter Davenport
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Friday, January 20, 2017
Inauguration: Street Artist Targets Hollywood Anti-Trumpers With '24' Spoof Posters
Courtesy of SABO
Protesters are gathering Friday in Los Angeles for something called "United Against Hate Inauguration March,” where Sabo posted several fake advertisements for '24: Legacy.'
A conservative street artist famous for lampooning liberal Hollywood is celebrating the inauguration of President Donald Trump at an anti-Trump rally Friday in Los Angeles using faux posters of Fox’s revival of the hit TV show 24.The artist, who goes by the pseudonym Sabo, is also attacking a bunch of musicians scheduled to perform at an anti-Trump rally, also in Los Angeles.
Protesters are gathering Friday in and around L.A. City Hall and L.A. Live — an entertainment area near the Staples Center where NBA’s Lakers and NHL’s Kings play — for something called "United Against Hate Inauguration March,” where Sabo posted several fake advertisements for 24: Legacy.
In Sabo’s version, though, an image of the TV show’s star, Corey Hawkins, has been replaced by one of Trump. The text, “New Day, New Hero” remains, but “24” has been replaced by “45,” a reference to Trump becoming the 45th president of the United States. The word “legacy” is replaced by “MAGA,” a reference to Trump’s campaign slogan, "Make America Great Again.”
The 13-episode Fox show debuts after the Super Bowl on Feb. 5.
Inauguration Day: See Obamas Greet Trumps at White House
Fox had no comment.
As for the concert, it will be held at the Teragram Ballroom in Los Angeles and marks the first performance of Audioslave in 11 years, and is is called the “Anti-Inaugural Ball.”
Tom Morello, formerly of Rage Against the Machine and now with Prophets of Rage, calls the concert a celebration of resistance to racism, sexism, homophobia, bullying, environmental devastation, fascism and Trump. Also performing is Jack Black and the Los Angeles Freedom Choir.
Around the concert venue, Sabo has hung posters deriding the performers as “Profits of Rage.” The text of the posters include “Republican is the New Punk,” “Cha Ching,” and “Take the Easy Way Out – Blame the Republicans.” Other posters feature the image of Trump giving two middle fingers to the artists.
In the past, Sabo has used his street art to attack Leonardo DiCaprio, Cher, Lena Dunham and many other Hollywood celebrities. He sells his right-leaning artwork at www.unsavoryagents.com.
Donald Trump Escapes FEC Punishment Over Paid Actors at Presidential Announcement
"I am a political artist first, and it's my duty to keep Trump's and other politicians' feet to the fire, something most left-wing artists have forgotten. They are Democrats before they are artists," Sabo told The Hollywood Reporter.
Sabo spent several hours peppering Los Angeles with his artwork, finishing before the sun rose Friday morning. Many of the posters will likely stay where they are throughout much of inauguration day as authorities (and the targeted entertainers) will find it a timely task to remove them all.
"To see so many Hollywood elites lose their minds is a pleasure," Sabo said. "I no longer see entertainers, I see left-wing soldiers doing their part in indoctrinating those they entertain. Hollywood is dead to a great portion of America these days."
Coast To Coast AM - January 19, 2017 2017 in Numerology & Planet X Arrival
In the first half, numerologist Glynis McCants discussed how last year was a completion cycle of 9 which ended the lives of many celebrities. What does the new year have in store for us? 2017 (2 + 0 + 1 + 7 = 10, 1 + 0 = 1) kicks off the cycle of 1, and is about new beginnings, she explained. This is a year of movement and energy, she continued, possibly changing relationships or starting a new business. "This is a year to release your past and be in the moment...What are you going to do differently?, it's up to you," she mused. Looking more specifically, she noted that April is a "4" month, and could involve a hard lesson, particularly for Donald Trump. May has a "5" energy and indicates some drama, while July and August, with the numbers 7 & 8 will have political revelations.
Inauguration Day, Friday, January 20th is a good one numerology-wise for Trump, she reported. The full date adds up to a "4," which matches his lifepath number, and the attitude number is a "3" which deals with communication and celebration. Trump was born on a "5" day but is a "4" lifepath, which means "people think they know you, but they don't. Donald Trump is never a dull moment," she added.
A student of astronomy, and economics, author David Meade worked in forensic investigations for major corporations. In the latter half, he related science to Bible prophecy and shared his contention that Planet X (a cluster of objects including the planet Nibiru) is heading our way in 2017, and there'll be calamitous earth changes in its wake. Meade said a French astronomer sent him a "hidden movie" from his observatory of what he called a "mini-solar system," which first alerted him to the possibility of Planet X, and this was then reiterated in the videos of John Moore, who said he interviewed Navy veterans warning about sea level rise and the need to be away from the coastlines, during the passing of a rogue planet.
Meade has concluded that the prophetic Book of Revelation actually foretells the apocalyptic arrival of Planet X in our time period, and he added that Bible Code expert Rabbi Glazerson also backs a similar timeline. Meade also cited the ancient Nebra sky disk, produced in the Bronze age 3,827 years ago, as depicting a daytime eclipsed sun, and pole shift, indicating the last passage of Planet X. A pole shift will create massive tsunamis,violent ocean rises, and extreme winds and volcanism, he outlined, adding that people should have a "bug-out" plan to survive a disaster, and get at least 500 ft. above sea level, and a couple hundred miles inland.
News segment guests: Jerome Corsi, Robert Zimmerman
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Thursday, January 19, 2017
Minimalism: A Documentary About The Important Things (2016)
How might your life be better with less? Minimalism: A Documentary About the Important Things examines the many flavors of minimalism by taking the audience inside the lives of minimalists from all walks of life -- families, entrepreneurs, architects, artists, journalists, scientists, and even a former Wall Street broker -- all of whom are striving to live a meaningful life with less.
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Coast To Coast AM - January 18, 2017 Alternative Health, JFK, & E Howard Hunt
In the first half, nutritionist and registered pharmacist Benjamin Fuchs discussed alternative health approaches, and offered tips on supplements and healthy changes to one's diet and lifestyle. Good health, he asserted, has multi-dimensional aspects beyond just supplements and diet, which include a connection to the divine, emotional well-being, and having a passion or enthusiasm for life. On the medical issue of polyps in the gall bladder (the organ which helps detoxify the system), he suggested a 2-3 day fast, which is useful for anyone dealing with a chronic challenge. Then, he continued, start on an elimination diet, in which a person notes in a diary what they eat, slowly bringing foods back into their diet, and noting how they react to them.
For those dealing with auto-immune health issues, he also recommends working on the gut and digestion, trying fasting and the elimination diet, as well as taking probiotics, digestive enzymes, and apple cider vinegar with meals. Concerning heart arrhythmia, it can be caused by stress and lack of oxygen. To combat, he advised practicing slow and deep breathing, and using such supplements as glucosamine, cartilage-containing products, and Vitamin C.
In the latter half, Saint John Hunt, the eldest son of "super-spy" E. Howard Hunt, (the CIA agent best known for his involvement in the Watergate scandal) talked about his father's career, the JFK assassination, Fidel Castro, and the suspicious death of his mother, Dorothy Hunt. During his years at the CIA, E. Howard Hunt worked on planning the assassination of Castro and other Cuban officials. After the failure of the Bay of Pigs, Hunt along with other CIA operatives developed a vendetta against JFK, and Saint John believes that it was a rogue group of the CIA that killed him. Further, he stated that a man in a photograph in Dealey Plaza taken on the day of the JFK assassination looks just like his father.
Dorothy Hunt, who was also a CIA agent, was carrying CIA papers showing that Richard Nixon had green-lighted an operation to have Castro assassinated, as well as evidence tying him to Watergate, when her United Airlines plane crashed in 1972, Saint John detailed. He believes the plane crash may have been deliberate as his mother was planning a press conference with a CBS correspondent to blow the whistle on Nixon.
News segment guests: Dr. Peter Breggin, Tim Ball
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Wednesday, January 18, 2017
Coast To Coast AM - January 17, 2017 Fukushima Contamination & Future of Technology
In the first half, author, engineer, and preparedness expert Matthew Stein discussed the ongoing debacle of Fukushima, America's vulnerability to a Fukushima-like event, as well as the danger of long term electrical grid failure due to cyber hacking, EMP, or solar storm. Areas that were supposed to be decontaminated near the Fukushima plant have become recontaminated according to testing on soil samples, he reported. But the Japanese government is telling citizens that everything is OK, even though the levels are as high as spots near Chernobyl which the Soviet Union closed to human occupation, he added.
More than one third of the population of the U.S. lives within 50 miles of a nuclear power plant, he cited, but between 75 and 150 miles away from the Chernobyl plant there were areas that were permanently polluted from the nuclear accident, so a great many Americans are vulnerable (for more, see Stein's article 400 Chernobyls). In terms of preparedness, he recommended the seaweed supplement modifilan to remove radioactive materials from the bloodstream, and suggested people have a plan for both evacuation and protection. He also spoke out on what he views as a public health threat from glyphosate (Monsanto's Roundup weed killer) contamination in our food and water supplies.
In the latter half, author of visionary speculative fiction, Alexander Weinstein, shared some of his wild ideas for future human interfaces with technology including social media implants, memory manufacturers, immersive virtual reality games, and alarmingly intuitive robots. His short stories explore both optimistic aspects and the dark and dystopian sides that technology can bring. One of his pieces, "Migration," plays with the premise of everyone living permanently inside, and wearing avatar suits, in which they go to work and school completely online.
His tale "Openness" introduces readers to a kind of psychic technology, in which couples can learn everything about each other without speaking, while in "The Cartographers" a company creates and sells virtual memories, such as of a child or vacation a person never actually had. One of the more apocalyptic of the technologies that Weinstein posits are towers that power the Internet, which function through our bioenergetic field, such that people are constantly connected online within their bodies, whether they want to be or not.
The last half-hour of the show featured Open Lines.
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Tuesday, January 17, 2017
Coast To Coast AM January 16, 2017 Formations on Mars, Extra Dimensions & Aliens
In the first half, founding investigator of the Mars research group, The Cydonia Institute, George Haas, and geoscientist Bill Saunders discussed their analysis of anomalous formations, including a curious keyhole structure (pictured above). After studying orbiter images for many years, Haas says, they have concluded that there is "overwhelming evidence for artificial structures on Mars." He also compared the new discovery to "keyhole" burial mounds on the Earth in such places as Japan, Saudi Arabia, and North America. The formation is a mile-and-a-half long and Haas guessed that it may be filled with compartments and structures underground and may even be the ruins of a city. He says that NASA attempted to explain (in a way that seemed forced) that the feature was caused by geologic faults in the surface of the planet.
Both Saunders and Haas agree that Mars was once inhabited by an intelligent race who built these structures, but that at some time in the distant past, the planet underwent some catastrophe that left it devoid of life. Saunders remarked that their research fits "a scenario of something in the last 20,000 years" and referred to other writers and researchers who have proposed just such ideas. Haas and Saunders are currently researching other parts of Mars that appear to have remains of artificial structures, including an area of the famous Cydonia region that seems to have "interesting and intricate pictographs of animals" according to Saunders. In response to a caller from Las Vegas, Haas remarked on the "very artificial" look of many features photographed by the Mars rovers.
Former FBI special agent John DeSouza is a researcher and experiencer of paranormal and spiritual phenomena. In the second half, he spoke about the concept of extra-dimensionality as a key to understanding where alien visitors are actually coming from and to where they're returning. His interest in the UFO subject was piqued at an early age when he experienced an encounter in New York City with a flying saucer that emerged from an area of the sky where the stars seemed to disappear and looked like "a cloud of black ink." It descended and shone a light on him before disappearing from where it had emerged. Because of this experience, DeSouza came to believe that the UFO phenomenon "doesn’t behave like physical phenomena as we know it."
In the third hour, DeSouza spoke about a case he has investigated with a woman he called "Martha X Outreacher" who was involved in a meditation group that was attempting to contact aliens, and achieved some sort of experience that had all the classic earmarks of an abduction. She later complained that there were devices implanted in her body by what appeared to be military personnel. De Souza believes that the negative and human-caused aspects of the case were screen memories imposed by the entities she contacted. He then referred to a file that is available on the FBI site which details an older report by an agent who said that the UFO entities "transit here by changing their vibration of existence" and that physical-appearing craft are projections by these beings. He is working on a new book about people "who hear a voice of authority, comfort, guidance, and strength" that helps them with life problems.
News segment guests: Howard Bloom / Steve Kates
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Monday, January 16, 2017
Coast To Coast AM - January 15, 2017 1941 UFO Crash & Great Pyramid Mystery
Coast To Coast AM - January 15, 2017 1941 UFO Crash & Great Pyramid Mystery
Researcher and author Paul Blake Smith joined George Knapp in the first half to discuss a pre-Roswell 1941 incident, in which ETs allegedly crash-landed their circular spaceship on a farm just outside of Cape Giradeau, Missouri.
Despite millennia of fame, the origins of the Great Pyramid of Giza are shrouded in mystery. Believed to be the tomb of an Egyptian king, even though no remains have ever been found, its dating at roughly 2550 BCE is tied to only one piece of evidence: crudely painted marks within the pyramid’s hidden chambers that refer to the 4th Dynasty king Khufu. In the second half, Egyptian pyramid researcher Scott Creighton discussed how and why the marks were likely faked.
Coast To Coast AM - January 15, 2017 1941 UFO Crash & Great Pyramid Mystery
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Sunday, January 15, 2017
Coast To Coast AM - January 14, 2017 Black Knight Satellite
Coast To Coast AM - January 14, 2017 Black Knight Satellite
Writer & filmmaker Damon T. Berry joined Jimmy Church to reveal what he thinks are clues about ancient technology and the cycles of destruction that Earth has endured for millennia. He says that this technology is somehow related to the enigmatic "Black Knight" satellite. Jimmy opened the program quoting a news report that the Great Pyramid was recently reassessed as having no connection to the pharaoh Cheops and that is now a mystery who built it, or why. While visiting Egypt a few years ago, Berry had a strange experience when he touched the Sphynx his "eyesight and everything went black" and he fell to the ground. After recovering, Berry said he could "see and hear things" in hieroglyphics and other religious texts, which he believes are multidimensional in nature.
Berry says he has noticed a pattern in the archaeological record that indicates ancient man had more knowledge than is generally agreed by historians and archaeologists. In the period from 13,000 to 10,000 BCE, Berry has noticed that many apparently advanced civilizations flourished and disappeared. He pointed to information that indicates the Easter Island Moai statues, neolithic cave paintings, and the mysterious city of Göbekli Tepe were all contemporary to each other in this period. Berry believes that information was encoded into these places and their artifacts to give us clues on how to survive a global catastrophe by using ancient ideas and technology. He said that "every 5-10,000 years, civilization is wiped off the face of the Earth" and coded messages were left in many places in order to help us.
There are clues, Berry believes, that point to a stargate or other type of dimensional or interstellar travel device that is still hidden in a pyramid or covered in many tons of earth or snow. If we can find this gateway, we can possibly escape an extinction which Barry says corresponds to the Mayan cycle of 5124 years. He also thinks that humanity needs to work together using the clues left behind by vanished civilizations, and that some of these clues are present in artworks throughout the ages. An Italian fresco painting from the year 1600 shows what Berry and others believe to be a "Sputnik" type satellite placed between images of God and Jesus. He thinks that this was due to the artist "going with his conscience" to provide future generations with information that space technology is nothing new, rather than using the painting as a simple depiction of religious themes.
Coast To Coast AM - January 14, 2017 Black Knight Satellite
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Saturday, January 14, 2017
Coast To Coast AM - January 13, 2017 Antarctica & Atlantis, Open Lines
Coast To Coast AM - January 13, 2017 Antarctica & Atlantis, Open Lines
Author, lecturer, and researcher of ancient civilizations, David Wilcock joined Jimmy Church, filling in for George, for a discussion on recent discoveries indicating Antarctica may actually have been Atlantis. Wilcock says he is in contact with "at least two insiders who directly advise Presidents of the United States" who have been steadily feeding him "Cosmic Top Secret" information for many years. He claimed that this information is not revealed to Presidents because they could slip up or be forced to tell the public what they know. He believes that there is a global power struggle going on that has reached a critical stage and made many elites start to scramble for safety.
In the last hour: Open Lines
Coast To Coast AM - January 13, 2017 Antarctica & Atlantis, Open Lines
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Friday, January 13, 2017
Coast To Coast AM - January 12, 2017 Autism & Vaccines, Chronic Pain
Coast To Coast AM - January 12, 2017 Autism & Vaccines, Chronic Pain
In the first half, science teacher, attorney, and a founding editor of Age of Autism, Kent Heckenlively, discussed his journeys into the minefield of autism.
In the latter half, orthopedic spinal surgeon Dr. David Hanscom talked about the problem of chronic pain, and how to control or eliminate it.
Coast To Coast AM - January 12, 2017 Autism & Vaccines, Chronic Pain
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Thursday, January 12, 2017
Coast To Coast AM - January 11, 2017 Gravity Revelations & Secret Space Program
Coast To Coast AM - January 11, 2017 Gravity Revelations & Secret Space Program
Engineer and independent researcher Maurice Cotterell discovered a way of calculating the duration of long-term magnetic reversals on the Sun. In the first half of the show, he discussed his most recent work on the nature of gravity, contradictions in physics, as well as his research into medical issues and the immune system.
In the latter half, pioneer in the development of 'Exopolitics', Michael Salla, shared evidence that the US Navy began its initial development work on a secret space program in the 1940s, signs that the Trump administration may be more open about secret space programs, as well as assorted whistleblower revelations on the ET presence.
Coast To Coast AM - January 11, 2017 Gravity Revelations & Secret Space Program
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Wednesday, January 11, 2017
Coast To Coast AM - January 10, 2017 Planet X Effects & Open Lines
Coast To Coast AM - January 10, 2017 Planet X Effects & Open Lines
In the first half, author, publisher, and producer Marshall Masters updated his Planet X research, detailing evidence which he believes points to a constellation of objects behind the sun, in the southern sky, between Mars and Jupiter.
The latter half featured Open Lines
Coast To Coast AM - Planet X Effects & Open Lines
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Tuesday, January 10, 2017
Coast To Coast AM - January 9, 2017 Synchronicity & Precognition
Coast To Coast AM - January 9, 2017 Synchronicity & Precognition
n the first half, Stephen F. Cohen, a Professor of Russian Studies and History Emeritus at NYU
In the latter half, experts in mysteries of the unknown including UFOs, and psychic phenomena, Trish and Rob MacGregor talked about their work on synchronicity and pre-cognition.
Coast To Coast AM - January 9, 2017 Synchronicity & Precognition
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Monday, January 9, 2017
Coast To Coast AM - January 8, 2017 Climate Cycles & Magnetic Field
Coast To Coast AM - January 8, 2017 Climate Cycles & Magnetic Field
Climate and earth changes expert Mitch Battros joined Richard Syrett to discuss scientific evidence for cyclical climate changes, and the periodic weakening of Earth's magnetic field.
First hour guest, author Jonathan Cahn talked about biblical harbinger mysteries and his 1999 trip to Cuba and the prophetic sign he gave to Fidel Castro.
Coast To Coast AM - January 8, 2017 Climate Cycles & Magnetic Field
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Sunday, January 8, 2017
Coast To Coast AM - January 7, 2017 A Brilliant Journey & Alternate Medicine
Coast To Coast AM - January 7, 2017 A Brilliant Journey & Alternate Medicine
Alternative cancer treatment expert Ty Bollinger joins Lisa Garr in the first half to discuss the most effective ways to prevent and beat cancer — from 131 of the world’s top experts — that have been kept secret and hidden by Big Pharma and the cancer industry.
Followed by Larry Brilliant, who has engaged with some of the most prominent thought leaders and spiritual masters in the world. He'll share his journey across continents that's involved significant medical, spiritual, and social achievements of the past century including the eradication of smallpox in India, and curing blindness in over 4 million people.
Coast To Coast AM - January 7, 2017 A Brilliant Journey & Alternate Medicine
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Saturday, January 7, 2017
Coast To Coast AM - January 6, 2017 Ghosts & Haunted Locations, Open Lines
Coast To Coast AM - January 6, 2017 Ghosts & Haunted Locations, Open Lines
During the middle two hours of the show, para-historians Theresa Argie and Cathi Weber, aka the Haunted Housewives, talked about ghosts and haunted locations. In the first hour, geopolitics and foreign policy expert Craig B. Hulet provides his analysis of the Fort Lauderdale News and veterans issues. Open Lines followed in the final hour of the program.
Coast To Coast AM - January 6, 2017 Ghosts & Haunted Locations, Open Lines
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Friday, January 6, 2017
Coast To Coast AM - January 5, 2017 Cryptids & Strange Entities, Stock Market
Coast To Coast AM - January 5, 2017 Cryptids & Strange Entities, Stock Market
In the first half, economist specializing in demographics, Harry Dent discussed the cyclical nature of market bubbles and why he expects a crash to happen in 2017.
In the latter half, author Nick Redfern shared the lore and legends of cryptozoological and paranormal entities including Lizard Men, Bigfoot, the Loch Ness monster, Chupacabras, Mothman, the Mongolian Death Worm and more.
Coast To Coast AM - January 5, 2017 Cryptids & Strange Entities, Stock Market
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Thursday, January 5, 2017
Coast To Coast AM - January 4, 2017 Giants & Stargates, Future of Space Exploration
Coast To Coast AM - January 4, 2017 Giants & Stargates, Future of Space Exploration
In the first half, researcher and explorer Timothy Alberino (who collaborates with Steve Quayle on the documentary series, True Legends) talked about such topics as giants, 'forbidden history,' mysteries under Antarctic ice, transhumanism, Atlantis, and super soldiers.
In the latter half, science journalist and space historian Robert Zimmerman discussed the future of the US space program and how current events and technology will alter the way we approach space travel and exploration.
Coast To Coast AM - January 4, 2017 Giants & Stargates, Future of Space Exploration
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Wednesday, January 4, 2017
Coast To Coast AM - January 3, 2016 Alternative Health & Astrology
Coast To Coast AM - January 3, 2016 Alternative Health & Astrology
In the first half, Dr. Joel Wallach discussed the benefits of remedies and supplements that aid in the body's recovery from many diseases and ailments.
In the latter half, astrologer Mark Lerner reviewed the astrological charts of major events and personalities for 2017, including the stock market, world affairs, and leaders
Coast To Coast AM - January 3, 2016 Alternative Health & Astrology
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Tuesday, January 3, 2017
Coast To Coast AM - January 2, 2017 Protecting the Grid, Synchronicity & the Mind
Coast To Coast AM - January 2, 2017 Protecting the Grid, Synchronicity & the Mind
n the first half, historian, author, and public speaker William Forstchen updated the ongoing campaign to bolster energy and communications infrastructure
In the latter half, psychologist Dr. Kirby Surprise discussed the nature of synchronicity, and insights into the brain's processes that reveal hidden abilities.
Coast To Coast AM - January 2, 2017 Protecting the Grid, Synchronicity & the Mind
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Monday, January 2, 2017
A View From Space with Gary Bell the Spaceman, December 31, 2016
TOPICS: New Year's celebrations
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Coast To Coast AM - January 1, 2017 George's 14th Anniversary Celebration
Coast To Coast AM - January 1, 2017 George's 14th Anniversary Celebration
As we celebrated George Noory's 14th anniversary of hosting Coast to Coast AM full-time since 2003, he was joined by four guests prognosticating on what 2017 has in store for us. The first hour featured psychic Joseph Jacobs, who foresees Donald Trump heading into difficulty between April 23rd and June 14th that may have to do with his health or legal matters, and subsequently Mike Pence taking on a lot of responsibilities. On July 4th, the US enters into a new 45-year cycle, and between October 16th and December 6th the country could face some difficult challenges, possibly either through Mother Nature or an attack, he said. Looking further ahead, he doesn't predict any major economic disturbance until 2018.
Prophecy scholar John Hogue joined the show in the second hour and spoke about an economic boom in 2017 with the dollar getting stronger. However, the interest rates will rise and create stress with other currencies, he noted. An eclipse in August, he cited, will have a "catalytic effect" on Trump. There'll be some significant natural disasters in the latter half of the year, and Trump may come round to accepting that climate change is real, he continued. If Trump survives the first two years, Hogue remarked, he'll likely be re-elected, as he's an echo karmically of Ronald Reagan.
In the third hour, psychic Anthony Carr suggested that we haven't seen the last of Hillary Clinton, and her legacy could be something other than running for President. He's concerned over the Trump presidency and that he could get America involved in a World War III. Carr foresees a deadly mid-air collision involving two planes near a small airport in New York state, with more than 600 lives lost. He believes the incident will be intentional.
Professional astrologer Linda Schurman closed out the evening, speaking of 2017 as a time of more upheaval. The position of Saturn indicates a difficult time for the economy with a number of ups and downs, financial crises on a global level, and a possible disintegration of the EU, she reported. The Jupiter-Saturn sextile may keep the crash from happening till the end of the year, but there could be many layoffs around then, she said. There will be serious Earth changes this year such as quakes, particularly in the period of March through May, and she expressed special concern for Japan.
Special guests, who appeared throughout the evening to wish George a Happy Anniversary, included Billy Gibbons, Micah Hanks, William Forstchen, Chase Kloetzke, Rosemary Ellen Guiley, Joshua P. Warren, Karen Dahlman, Ben Fuchs, Connie Willis, David Whitman, and Joe Meyer.
Coast To Coast AM - January 1, 2017 George's 14th Anniversary Celebration
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