Wednesday, February 28, 2018

C2C February 26, 2018 Elongated Skulls Mystery / Spiritual Bridges

In the first half, author and researcher L.A. Marzulli discussed the mysterious elongated skulls of Paracas, Peru. Anthropologist Rick Woodward and others found the heads had structural oddities that seemed to suggest genetic differences from normal humans, and Marzulli recently held a press conference in Los Angeles to announce their testing results . Though some suggest the skulls are merely the result of intentional cranial modification, Marzulli and some of his co-researchers such as medical doctor Dr. Michael Alday believe they may represent a new subspecies of humans.

"Based on my limited testing, " said Marzulli, "I would say some of them may have 25% to 30% larger cranial capacity than a normal human skull." If he had to guess, "I'd say we were looking at the remnants of the Nephilim," the fallen angels described in the Bible, who he considers to be "nefarious interdimensional entities." The theory is that these beings fled the Middle East around 3,500 years ago, arriving in the New World much earlier than Columbus and other explorers, he continued, adding that Josephus described the Nephilim as having countenances so different than regular folk that they were terrifying to look at.

Psychic medium, spiritual teacher, and author, John Holland has a technique for raising his vibrational energy to link with the Other Side and deliver messages. He spoke about his decades of personal experiences with spirit including inspirational stories and how mediumship is not just about connecting to the spirit world; it’s just as much about helping and healing the living. There are spiritual bridges that can be built to connect to loved ones who have passed, says Holland. When someone passes over, they are met by their loved ones who ease the transition, he explained, adding that before they die, they often start having conversations with people that are already deceased.

He outlined different ways in which the spirit world interacts with us. With After Death Communication (ADC), the departed leave signs for their loved ones such as appearing in a dream in the form of their younger self. Electricity and technology, because they are related to energy, can be manipulated by spirits to send signs, he said, citing blinking lights, TVs suddenly turning off, and mysterious phone static calls from the deceased's old number. Shared deathbed visions, he noted, are curious occurrences where people such as nurses and doctors are present when a patient crosses over, and actually witness a kind of dimensional shift in the room.

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Tuesday, February 27, 2018

C2C February 25, 2018 Secret UFO Revelations/ Opening the Blue Book Files

The existence of UFOs using technology more advanced than anything on Earth has been proved "beyond reasonable doubt," according to Luis Elizondo, the former head of a secret US government program that studied UFOs. Elizondo, who quit as head of the program is now part of Tom DeLonge's 'To The Stars Academy of Arts and Sciences' (TTSASS) team. He joined George Knapp in the first half to discuss the secret program, unidentified crafts that the program investigated, and why he thinks we may not be alone. After an early military career in Army Intelligence, Elizondo was assigned to a position in the Pentagon where he was surprised to learn that he was chosen to study the UFO issue. His immediate supervisors had no knowledge of this part of his duties because of the compartmentalized nature of the project, meaning only those directly involved in the program had a "need to know." After his initial shock, Elizondo realized that it was "definitely a profound topic to be exploring."

Elizondo said the Defense Department was concerned with anything that was not readily identified by witnesses, radar, or other sensing technology. The famous USS Nimitz UFO event and video footage was just one example, he said, and added that "there were other events that occurred like the Nimitz, and not in the distant past." Elizondo also mentioned that reports from military witnesses included physical effects such as feelings of nausea or "a weird loss of time perception." He also confirmed that military hardware has been affected or disabled during UFO encounters. He discussed the controversial "alloy" or "meta material" in the possession of Robert Bigelow’s company and said that it shows unusual properties when tested and contains "isotopic ratios that are very unique." As for the UAPs themselves, Elizondo has not made up his mind as to whether they are "from outer space, inner space, or the space in between."

Part two guest John Greenewald began by expressing a skeptically cautious opinion about the TTSAAS revelations before describing how he has received an incredible cache of never-before-seen documents from the Air Force’s Project Blue Book program. Former Project officer Lt. Carmon Marano preserved much of the amazing UFO history of the project and shared it with researcher Rob Mercer, who digitized the collection of photos and documents, and allowed Greenewald’s Black Vault to host it for the world to see. By a stroke of luck, Mercer saw an ad on Craigslist for a box of the documents and found that Murano was the former owner of the property. Murano provided the rest of his vast files to Mercer. While the files contain no "smoking gun" revelations, Greenewald said that the documents reinforce the position that more than anything else, the Air Force program was a public relations operation and a "campaign for the media to report to the masses.”

Greenewald described a strange episode of a coverup which involved journalist Lee Spiegel and his efforts to confirm an online manual used by the Air Force for researching UFO reports. Within 48 hours of his inquiry, the document disappeared and the Air Force denied that it had ever existed. Greenewald also described his request for any UFO reports in the files of the North American Air Defense Command (NORAD.) He was told that they did not have the authority to release this information because the organization also included Canadian forces. He called the Canadian Department of National Defence, who quickly released "about 100 pages" of NORAD UFO sighting reports. In his over 8000 FOIA requests, Greenewald has also come across the distressing news that many records have simply been destroyed, such as surprisingly, the FBI files on many of the alleged members of the infamous MJ-12 group.

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Monday, February 26, 2018

Kids: Then and Now. What Happened?

OK, so why is the country falling apart? Specifically, why are kids blowing each other away? America has become a source of wonder the world over with its Columbines and hundreds and hundreds of dead in Chicago and Baltimore and its burning cities and riots. Other advanced countries don’t do these things.

America didn’t either until recently.   Why now? Something has changed, or some things. What?  People under forty have never seen the country when it was sane. Let me point out things that have changed, at risk of sounding like a boilerplate cadger: “By cracky, wen I was a boy, we could amuse ourselves for hours with just a piece of string and a couple of sticks.” Let’s compare today with the Fifties and Sixties. I mean this as sociology, not nostalgisizing.

I think that a combination of social changes have led to tremendous stress on today’s kids that my generation did not suffer. To wit:

In my rural Virginia school, there was no racial tension. We were all white: teachers, students, parents.

The black kids went to their own school, Ralph Bunche. We had virtually no contact with each other. There was no hostility, just no contact. The academic gap didn’t exist in the absence of contact. Integration would prove cruel when it came. and the black kid s sank to the bottom. The causes can be argued, but the fact cannot.

There was no black crime to speak of or, as far as I knew any black crime. Certainly blacks did not shoot each other, or anybody. Neither did we. The reasons I suspect were similar.

Divorce was extremely rare, so we all had parents. Whether it is better that unhappy couples stay together or that they divorce can be argued, but they then did stay together. It made a large difference in outcomes if one accepts the statistics. The welfare programs of the Great Society had not yet destroyed the black family, which I speculate accounted in part for low crime.

Drugs did not exist. These appeared only with the Sixties. A few of us had heard of marijuana. I read a clandestine copy of The Naked Lunch. That was it. We drank a lot of beer.

In the entire school I remember only one, moderately fat kid. Why? Because, I  will guess, we were very physically active. The school had PE classes, football and basketball teams, and so on. In summer kids aboard Dahlgren spent their days at the base swimming pool or swimming in Machodoc “Creek”{{it was perhaps three-quarters of a mile wide–bicycling, canoeing- playing tennis. The country kids chopped cord wood, lifted hay. There was ice skating for hours in winter. Gloria, my best girl, got up at four a.m. to help her father pull crab pots on the Potomac, Though feminine, she probably could have thrown a Volkswagen over a four-store building. Again, I offer this not as nostalgia but as biological fact with effects.

Physical fitness  has. I suspect  psychological consequences. For example, ADHD did not exist. Boys are competitive, physical animals full of wild energy and need–need–to work it off. Boredom and enforced inactivity are awful for them.  Two or three hours daily of fast-break pick-up basketball did this. If you force boys to sit rigidly in school, with no recess or only physically limited play, they will be miserable. If you then force them to take Ritalin, an approximate amphetamine, they will be miserable with modified brain chemistry. I don’t think this is a good idea.

Sex and, I think, its psychological consequences were different then. We were aware of sex. I am not sure we were aware of anything else. But the culture was such that, first, young girls, middle school, say, were sexually (very) off limits. When barely pubescent girls are taken advantage of by boys of seventeen or of thirty-five, the emotional effects are devastating. By contrast, boys hoped desperately to be taken advantage of.

The de facto social theory was that girls should remain virgins until married. I  think few really believed this, and certainly many girls did not. However the necessity of pretending, plus the fear of pregnancy in those pre-pill days, allowed girls to say “no.” if they chose. The Pill, backed up by abortion, would make girls into commodities. If Sally said no, Mary wouldn’t, and boys, churning jhrmone wads, would go with Mary. Thus girls lost control of the sexual economy and the respect that went with it. More stress.

Anorexia and bulimia did not exist. We didn’t know the words. Both look to me like a reaction to stress.

Uncertainty is a formidable source of stress. We had little uncertainty as to our futures in the sense that the young do  today. We assumed, correctly, that jobs would be available for us. For kids who were not going on in school, there were jobs at Dahlgren, the local naval base,  as secretaries or guards or maintenance personnel, federal jobs with benefits. More remotely, Detroit was paying what seemed to us astronomical wages. Those of us in the college track, which meant those whose parents were grads and those who had high SATs, knew we could work in whatever field we had chosen. Starbucks and living in our parents’ basements never crossed our minds.

Social mobility existed, and girls had not yet been taught they were victims. Of my graduating class of sixty, two girls became physicists and my buddy Franklin, of non-college family an electronics engineer. Sherry a year  behind me, a nuclear biologist. All, I think, of non-college families. There must have been others.

Extremely important, I think, was that the school was apolitical. We didn’t know that it was. School was where you learned algebra and geography, or at least learned at them. The teachers, both men and women, assumed this. The white kids were not endlessly told that they were reprehensible and the cause of the world’s problems.  The boys were not told that masculinity was toxic. Hysteria over imaginary rape was well in the future. Little boys were not dragged from school by the police for drawing a soldier with a rifle. The idea of having police in a school would seem insane when it first appeared.

More speculatively: My wife Violeta recently commented that the young today seem about ten years younger than their age. There may be something to this. At least in the media and academic worlds, people in their mid-thirties  remind me of the young of the Sixties, displaying what appear to be the same hormonal rebellion and sanctimony. It has also seeped into high school. There is the same anger, the same search for grievance,  the same adolescent posturing.

I think feminism plays a large part in the collapse of society in general and specifically in pushing boys over the edge. In my school years boys were allowed to be boys. Neither sex was denigrated. Doing so would have occurred to nobody. Then came a prejudice against boys, powerful today.

All of this affected society in its entirety, but especially white boys. They are constantly told that being white is shameful, that any masculine interest is pathological, that they are rapists in waiting. They are subjected to torturous boredom and inactivity, and drugged when they respond poorly. They go to schools that do not like them and that stack the deck against them. Many are fatherless. All have access to psychoactive drugs.

Add it up.

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Sunday, February 25, 2018

C2C February 24, 2018 Postures of Power / Science & the Supernatural

The Egyptian Postures of Power are an ancient system of energy healing techniques that were used by the ancient Egyptians. Just like Qigong, Tai Chi, Yoga, the Egyptian system utilizes the sacred movements, postures and geometry of the body to go in harmonic resonance with different universal energies. Jason Quitt, lifelong experiencer who has interacted with multidimensional worlds, joined Jimmy Church (email) in the first half to share how he utilizes these energies for wellness, enlightenment, and personal growth. Quitt recently fell down a set of stairs and broke his back in several places. He described the self-healing and visualization techniques that had him out of bed within two days of having titanium screws and rods placed in his spine, and within a few more days, leaving the hospital. Quitt said that he "had to focus internally and go within," imagining that he was filling his body with an energy which he directed "to the area that needs the healing."

Quitt described some of his healing methods, which he said can sometimes be "a very painful process" but that it is "a human experience that we all have, it’s just been suppressed for thousands of years" and can be awakened in our DNA through training. The guest also described his method of time travel, which he says he has achieved through astral travel. He says it began with beings who would take him out of his body, and eventually progressed to the stage where he could achieve this feat himself, and would be "taken to different places and experience different things."
In the second half, author and publisher Brad Olsen discussed the merging of science, Silicon Valley and hi-tech with the world of the supernatural and implications for advances in technology. Olsen started on a cautionary note, saying that he is disturbed by some of the newest trends in the computing industry, such as advances in artificial intelligence and machine learning that has us "trolled by AI bots" on the internet. He also mentioned that Google has changed its motto from the original "Don’t do evil" to "Do the right thing," and suggested that the "right thing" might not necessarily be good. He marveled that reality is beginning to surpass science fiction and that there is not enough debate about the implications.

Many Silicon Valley entrepreneurs are interested in immortality, Olsen says, and have been looking into how to upload their consciousness into computers or other devices. He also mentioned the Large Hadron Collider at CERN and the rumors that it is being used to research travel between times and dimensions like a "stargate," and the strange fact that the U.S. military secured the Antiquities Museum in Baghdad during the first Gulf War because it might have held a similar portal, built hundreds or thousands of years ago. In the end, Olsen warned that he sees two distinct timelines for our future: One where we harness these new technologies for the benefit of all and enter a "golden age," and another where the world ends in a WWIII-type scenario. He concluded that, at present, we "are traveling right on the edge of a razor here."

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C2C February 23, 2018 Kerr Smith & Ufology/ Open Lines

Actor Kerr Smith is best known for his work on Life Unexpected, Justice, E-Ring and his breakout role of 'Jack McPhee' on the TV show Dawson's Creek. He joined Jimmy Church (email) to discuss his lifelong passion to discover truth, as well as his involvement in the world of ufology, and helping humanity awaken to alternate dimensions of reality. Additional link. Smith recalled a Christian speaking event he attended with his parents as the first time he realized that he was interested in deeper questions about life and existence and realized that he "was a spiritual person." After reading works by Erich Von Daniken, as well as the channeled Seth material and the Law of One book, Smith realized that he was becoming engaged with a wider search for personal truth.

As part of his personal awakening, Smith said he soon came to believe that hidden technology exists that could free us from the energy and monetary systems that he equates to "enslavement," and that there is likely a secret space program that utilizes technology that could free us from this scenario. Smith’s opinion is that the best answer to government secrecy about the UFO subject is "full disclosure–Just rip the band-aid off," and that shows such as Coast are one of the best ways to keep the pressure on the power structure. Caller Ed from California said that he used to know Jane Roberts, who was the channel for the Seth books. He recalled that during her channeling sessions, her chronic arthritis seemed to disappear.

During Open Lines, Dana called from California to tell about her husband’s terrifying experiences with a ouija board and how he was tormented by apparent evil forces. Dawson from Kentucky described his three missing time experiences while working late nights at a freight yard, which were shared by another co-worker. He said the sightings made the UFO issue "become real to me." Sean in Missouri said he believes that astronauts could not have gotten through the Van Allen radiation belts around the planet and that we did not actually land on the Moon. Nancy called from New York to tell about her photos of "interdimensional beings hovering around in ominous clouds" and described her techniques to reveal these images.

Frequent caller Cornelius, who has announced that he is running for public office, told Jimmy that he believes the government is trying to take our guns away and that the country is in such bad shape because "the Devil’s divided us." Anne from California said that while at a wedding she witnessed, and her husband shot video of, "a light, with a fan shape trailing it, traveling slowly across the sky." Jimmy suggested that it may have been a rocket launch from nearby Vandenberg Air Force Base. Elaine in Illinois told about hearing "walking and whispering" sounds during work in an old library when she and another woman were alone in the building.

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Saturday, February 24, 2018

C2C February 22, 2018 Secret Door XVIII

Who was behind the secret door? George welcomed three mystery guests throughout the night and attempted to guess who they might be. George missed the identity of the first person through the door, Chase Kloetzke, a UFO investigator and author, who shared that she has now relocated to Washington DC to work as a UFO lobbyist. Regarding disclosure, she suggested it's possible that Donald Trump as a renegade and disruptor might be the first US president to spill the beans on UFOs, yet he may also have not even been briefed on the topic. She also talked about the mystery of the elongated skulls from Paracas, alien-human hybrids, and her investigation methods.

Next was writer/producer Marc Zicree, who stumped George with his references to Twilight Zone episode titles. He talked about his various projects such as the Space Command TV series, which was crowd-funded, and new models for writers and creators to get their work out there. In his forthcoming book, "Greenlighting Yourself," he argues that through tools like social media "you don't have to wait for the studios and networks to say yes to you anymore. The audience, if they want to see a show, can basically make it happen." Zicree also spoke about some of his recent projects in London, and the brilliance of Rod Serling, the creator of Twilight Zone.

George finally guessed correctly when author James Paris was the last to come through the door, even though he disguised his natural voice. Paris, who specializes on how to use prayer for a financial and personal recovery, talked about his current interest in cryptocurrency. There are different factions of people who use bitcoin and other coins, he explained, including speculators looking to make a buck, those who view it as a store of value like gold, and a third group who utilize the coins for purchases and transactions. Regarding his work with prayer, he advised asking God for a plan for one's self, rather than going in with a preconceived notion.
Beyond Science

John B. Alexander, Ph.D., is a retired senior Army officer with decades of experience in a wide range of phenomena including events that defy conventional explanation. In the first hour, he discussed some of the far-reaching subjects in his book Reality Denied, including the origins of voodoo in West Africa, visits to the healer John of God in Brazil, and Chris Bledsoe's strange UFO contacts. He also talked about experiences with the psychoactive plant preparation, ayahuasca, that many people take under the guidance of a shaman, including his wife Victoria, who has had repeated encounters with a specific group of entities. 
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Friday, February 23, 2018

C2C February 21, 2018 Autism & Vaccinations / Haunted Real Estate

Kent Heckenlively is a science teacher, an attorney, and a founding editor of Age of Autism. In the first half, he discussed the controversies around his contention that the rise in autism is related to vaccinations. Back in 2017, he was banned from Australia for three years because of his planned lecture series about corruption at the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), and information on the dangers of vaccines. "The Prime Minster's wife has something like six million shares in the pharmaceutical stock that she sat on the board for," he remarked, "and also Australia just passed a law making it punishable for ten years in prison for a medical professional like a nurse to express skepticism about vaccines."

Yet, all around the world we're seeing a revolt against the establishment, which is taking place in medicine as well. The exploration of new approaches, and the falling apart of the pharmaceutical model are indicators, he suggested, that we could be about to enter a new 'golden age of health.' Regarding the school shootings and mass murders, Heckenlively advocated that the medical records of the shooters be made public. He also argued for long-term biological testing of vaccines, and that we get rid of blanket immunity for pharmaceutical companies in relation to the use of their vaccines. If they're as safe as 'sugar water" as they claim, "why," he asked, "do we have a special vaccine court?"
Mark Anthony, the "Psychic Lawyer," is a medium who specializes in communication with spirits. In the latter half, he spoke about haunted real estate listings and how disclosure of paranormal activity can affect the marketability of a property. While such dwellings are often stigmatized, some thrill seekers and paranormal enthusiasts flock to stay at or buy haunted locations. At a house in Toms River, New Jersey, a couple wanted to move out and get their security deposit back because they believed it was haunted. The case ended up on The People's Court on TV, but it was dismissed by the judge because there was no proof that the landlord had any knowledge of paranormal activity.

There was an opposite ruling in the Stambovsky case in Nyack, New York, where the seller Helen Ackley neglected to tell the buyer about her 1890 house's haunted reputation. About half of US states have disclosure statutes, he reported, including revealing when a murder has taken place at a house, where it's referred to as a "psychologically impacted property." There are three different lines of thought as to how a building can become haunted, Anthony cited. One is that a spirit becomes a trapped in a place after a violent or traumatic death; another is that a ghost returns to a particular piece of property of their own volition; and the third is that vibrations of certain events remain in a location-- a kind of residual energy echo.

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Thursday, February 22, 2018

What Do All the Mass Shootings Have in Common? No Father in the Home

UPDATE: The article below I wrote over two years ago.  Yesterday it happened again, another mass shooting, this time at a high school in Florida. Our thoughts and prayers go out to families and friends of those 17 students who lost their lives. Such a terrible, senseless, tragedy. The very disturbed shooter Nikolas Cruz had been expelled from the school and it was well known that he had a fascination with knives and guns.

Nikolas and his biological brother were adopted by an older couple when Nikolas was an infant.  His mother, Lynda Marie Cruz, was 49 years old and his father, Roger Paul Cruz, was 62.  Roger died in 2004, when Nikolas was only 4 or 5.  Nikolas’s mother died just a few months ago.  Like so many of the mass shooters, young Nikolas grew up without a father in the home and with a fascination for guns.

Others have noticed the link between school shooters and fatherless homes. 

Earlier post published October 2, 2015
The one common thread among all the recent mass shooters is they are children of single of mothers.  These young men had no male role models in their homes.  For 50 years, our society has encouraged women to be single mothers despite all the research proving it is detrimental to a child to be born into a home without a father.  Children born to single mothers are twice as likely to become delinquent. 

Children of single mothers are more likely to be in special education classes in school, more likely to drop out of school, more likely to experiment with drugs and alcohol at an early age, and more likely to become delinquent and to be incarcerated.  There are no men on death row from intact families.
 Children of single mothers are more likely to witness domestic violence in their homes and more likely to repeat the pattern of domestic violence. Children born to a married couple are more likely to attend college, less likely to be abused, and more likely to grow up mentally and physically healthier.  A child born to a single mother has close to a 40% chance of growing up in poverty while a child born to a married couple has less than 4% chance of growing up in poverty. Children of single mothers are 14 times more likely to suffer abuse and if the mother lives with a man who is not the father of the child, the chances of abuse increase to 33 times that of a married couple. Worse, the children of single parents are more likely to grow up and repeat the pattern, a pattern that is detrimental to children.  Despite what the liberals have told us, children need fathers in their lives and in their homes.

If we look at the recent spate of mass shooters, they all grew up in single family homes.  (Cho at Virginia Tech may have been the exception although he seemed to be missing guidance from either of his parents. They did not seem to have been aware of his problems which began in middle school.)
Our society could cure a lot of ills by not encouraging women to be single mothers.  These women should put their children first and not become mothers if they aren’t in a stable, married, relationship.  It’s simply not fair to children.  From the National Review, 
Harvard sociologist Robert Sampson has written that “Family structure is one of the strongest, if not the strongest, predictor of variations in urban violence across cities in the United States.”
His views are echoed by the eminent criminologists Michael Gottfredson and Travis Hirschi, who have written that “such family measures as the percentage of the population divorced, the percentage of households headed by women, and the percentage of unattached individuals in the community are among the most powerful predictors of crime rates.”
When will our society stop pretending that children raised by single mothers turn out ‘just as good’ as those raised by a married couple? They don’t. These children suffer every step of their lives and so does our society. Our jails are packed with men and women from homes without a father.  We all pay the price, but these children pay the greatest price.

One more liberal social experiment, single mothers, that has harmed children.  When will we stop supporting liberal social experiments that ALWAYS harm children?  When will we put the needs of our most vulnerable, infants and children, ahead of the wants of adult women? Which is more important to our future as a society?  The answers are obvious.

UPDATE: Much more on this subject in this excellent article by our friends over at Bearing Drift,  The article includes these statistics,
63% of youth suicides are from fatherless homes
90% of all homeless and runaway children are from fatherless homes
85% of all children who show behavior disorders come from fatherless homes
80% of rapists with anger problems come from fatherless homes
71% of all high school dropouts come from fatherless homes
75% of all adolescent patients in chemical abuse centers come from fatherless homes
85% of all youths in prison come from fatherless homes
The article is worth a read.

Another good article on this subject at, and one at .

Update:  The Las Vegas shooter also grew up without a father at home because his father was in jail or running from the law for most of his life. More on the Stephen Paddock’s background here. 

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Nickolas Cruz Stoneman Douglas High School Shooting, "He Never Went In": Officer On Duty Filmed "Doing Nothing" During Florida Shooting

Video evidence reveals that an armed Broward County resource deputy stationed at Stoneman Douglas High School during the Valentine's day massacre did "nothing" during the shooting - instead waiting outside as a gunman opened fire on students and teachers, killing 17.

Speaking at a press conference, Broward Sheriff Scott Israel said the on duty officer at Stoneman "never went in." Israel said he was "devastated" after watching the video showing the deputy taking a position outside the Western side of Building 12 while shots rang out, "and he never went in" despite having a clear view of the entrance.

"I think he remained outside upwards of four minutes," Israel said.

The uniformed officer, identified as Scot Peterson, was been suspended without pay pending an investigation, according to Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel - however he has since resigned and retired from the department.

"As is his right, Scot Peterson chose to resign, because he has the necessary time with the agency and meets the requirements of retirement, he resigned and retired."

"We're not going to disclose the video at this time, and we may never disclose the video depending on the prosecution and the criminal case."

"These families lost their children, we lost coaches. I've been to the funerals. I've been to the homes where they're sitting shiva. I've been to the vigils. It's just, there are no words."

When asked by a reporter what the deputy should have done, the Sheriff replied "Went in. Address the killer. Kill the killer." 

In other words, where previously we learned that on Feb. 5, 2016 Broward Sheriff's were warned by a neighbor's son that Nikolas Cruz "Planned to shoot up the school on Instagram", we now find out that during the shooting, a deputy could have saved lives but he hid instead as teenagers were killed.

The shooting lasted approximately six minutes before the suspected gunman, Nikolas Cruz, dropped his rifle and exited the school - blending in with fleeing students.

The Sheriff also noted that his office was involved in 23 calls regarding suspect Nikolas Cruz and his brother, and has placed BSO Col. Jack Dale and deputies Edward Easton and Guntis Treijis on restrictive duty as investigators look into whether more could have been done to prevent the shooting.

"Some of the calls we responded out and met with his mother," said Israel.

“I’ve restricted two of our deputies as we dig deeper into this, take statements and make a decision to see whether or not they could have done more, should’ve done more,” said Israel.

Total Failure

Last week, the FBI agent in charge of the Florida shooting probe admitted that the Bureau had investigated a school shooting threat made on YouTube last year but could not identify person behind it - despite Nikolas Cruz using his real name to sign the threat. 

The man who reported Cruz, Ben Bennight, spoke with the FBI last year for about 20 minutes, and there was no follow-up from the FBI after that initial conversation.

Then, Bennight told CBS that he again spoke with the FBI on Wednesday night for about 20 minutes. They wanted to know if he knew anything more after first reporting the YouTube video last year. He said the same agent/agents he spoke with last year came to his home Wednesday.

And last month, the FBI was warned a second time about Cruz:

    “A person close to” Cruz called the agency’s tipline on Jan. 5 and reported the 19-year-old had a “desire to kill people, erratic behavior, and disturbing social media posts” and there was “potential of him conducting a school shooting,” the FBI said in a statement. -NY Post

Furthermore, as we reported earlier today, CNN's FOIA of Broward County 911 records has produced a steady stream of scoops about Parkland, Fla. school shooter Nikolas Cruz fleshing out much of what is publicly known about Cruz's background and the various reports made warning the FBI and other authorities about his threatening behavior.

The police were warned about Cruz's violent past - that he'd "used a gun against people before" and had "put the gun to others' heads in the past" - but still they did nothing.

No wonder Sheriff Israel is beside himself - both the FBI, the Broward County Sheriff's office, and the armed school resource officer did absolutely nothing to prevent the deaths of 17 students. And now, back to blaming guns.
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Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Ann Coulter Amazing New Breakthrough to Reduce Mass Shootings

by Ann Coulter21 Feb 20181,693

As fun as it is to ridicule the FBI for devoting massive resources to chasing down Hillary Clinton’s oppo research while blowing off repeated, specific warnings about school shooter Nikolas Cruz, we’ve put a lot on the agency’s plate.
We’re hauling in nearly 2 million manifestly unvetted Third World immigrants every year, leading to a slew of FBI “Watch Lists” with a million names apiece. In 2015, Director James Comey said that there were ISIS investigations in all 50 states — even Idaho and Alaska! And that’s just one terrorist organization.

Maybe the FBI brass would still be a bunch of incompetent, PC nincompoops if we weren’t dumping millions of psychotic and terrorist foreigners on the country. But even the most efficient organization would have trouble keeping track of the Nikolas Cruzes when our immigration policies require approximately one-third of the country to be constantly watching another third of the country.

Thanks to our Second Amendment, the United States has fewer mass shootings per capita than many other developed countries, including Norway, France, Switzerland, Finland, Belgium and the Czech Republic. (And 98 percent of our mass shootings occur in “gun-free zones.”)

But imagine if we could cut our mass shootings in half?

There have been about 34 mass shootings since 2000. Forty-seven percent — 16 — were committed by first- and second-generation immigrants, i.e. people who never would have been here but for Teddy Kennedy’s 1965 immigration act.

And the immigrant mass shootings have been some of the most spectacular ones, such as Fort Hood and San Bernardino. Two of the deadliest mass shootings in U.S. history, at Virginia Tech in 2007 and at the Pulse Nightclub in 2016, were committed by first- and second-generation immigrants, i.e., people who were in this country because Teddy was pouting in his room and refused to come out until he got his own legacy.

(Excluded from both lists: the Las Vegas shooting, because law enforcement has released nothing but lies about it, so that shooting remains unclassifiable; family dispute shootings; targeted assassinations of police officers; and shootings on Indian reservations.)

Here’s the list of immigrant mass shootings, defined as a shooting at the same general time and location, not during the commission of another crime, that leaves at least four people dead — i.e. no gangland shootings, no “man kills family, then self” and no drug deals gone bad.

On account of the Rule of Journalism that permits the word “immigrant” to be used only in sentences with the word “valedictorian,” you may not have heard of some of these mass shootings at all.

1) Omar Mateen, son of Afghan immigrants, killed 49 people at the Pulse nightclub in Orlando on June 12, 2016.

2) First- and second-generation Pakistani immigrants Syed Rizwan Farook and Tashfeen Malik opened fire at a community center Christmas party in San Bernardino, California, on Dec. 2, 2015, killing 14 people.

3) English immigrant Christopher Harper-Mercer killed 9 people at Umpqua Community College in southwest Oregon on Oct. 1, 2015.

4) Kuwaiti immigrant Mohammad Youssef Abdulazeez shot and killed five people in attacks on two military installations in Chattanooga, Tennessee, on July 16, 2015.

5) Second-generation Malaysian immigrant Elliot Rodger killed six people on May 23, 2014, around the campus of the University of California, Santa Barbara.

6) Second-generation immigrant John Zawahri opened fire at his Southern California home and later at the campus of Santa Monica College on June 7, 2013, killing five in all. (The New York Times never mentioned that he was the child of Lebanese immigrants. The Times didn’t even mention that his father used to beat up his mother, despite that paper’s usual heightened interest in stories about men being mean to women.)

7) Cuban immigrant Pedro Alberto Vargas fatally shot six people in his apartment complex in Hialeah, Florida, on July 26, 2013.

8) Probable Barbadian immigrant Aaron Alexis shot and killed 12 people inside the Washington Navy Yard on Sept. 16, 2013.

9) South Korean immigrant One L. Goh opened fire at Oikos University in Oakland, California, killing seven people on April 2, 2012.

10) Mexican immigrant Eduardo Sencion shot up an IHOP in Carson City, Nevada, on Sept. 6, 2011, killing four people — three National Guardsmen and a 67-year-old woman.

11) Second-generation immigrant Nidal Malik Hasan, son of Palestinian immigrants, killed 13 people at Fort Hood, Texas, on Nov. 5, 2009.

12) Vietnamese immigrant Jiverly Wong shot up the Binghamton, New York, American Civic Association on April 3, 2009, killing 13.

13) Bosnian immigrant Sulejman Talovic fatally shot five people at the Trolley Square Mall in Salt Lake City on Feb. 12, 2007.

14) Seung-Hui Cho, a South Korean immigrant, slaughtered 32 people at Virginia Tech on April 16, 2007.

15) Hmong immigrant Chai Soua Vang killed six hunters in northern Wisconsin on Nov. 21, 2004.

16) Mexican immigrant Salvador Tapia shot up the Windy City Core Supply warehouse in Chicago in 2003, killing six of his former co-workers.

If you missed your favorite immigrant mass shooting, please note that I excluded Jamaican immigrant Colin Ferguson (Long Island Railroad massacre in 1993); Nigerian immigrant Peter Odighizuwa (Appalachian School of Law shooting in 2002); Haitian illegal immigrant Kesler Dufrene (North Miami shooting in 2012); and Nigerian immigrant Henry Williams Obotetukudo (Bronx-Lebanon Hospital shooting in 2017). We are only counting mass shootings since 2000 that left at least four people dead.

First- and second-generation immigrants have committed more than 40 percent of all mass shootings since 2000. I know we’ve been admitting Third World immigrants at a breakneck pace, but I don’t think immigrants make up nearly half the population yet.

Once we exclude the immigrant mass shooters, a clearer pattern emerges. The typical American perpetrator is a young man with paranoid schizophrenia — or, as we’re now euphemistically calling it, “autism” — probably exacerbated by pot, a deadly combo platter.

An immigration moratorium and widespread deportations would not only cut mass shootings in half, but it would also free up the FBI’s time to focus on these delusional young men with the terrifying stare, who hear voices no one else hears.

Young men like Nikolas Cruz.


Ann, you missed one little detail. By their actions, Democrats apparently hate kids. Democrats passed the law to make the schools free-fire / helpless victim zones. (thanks Biden) Now, Democrats are resisting defending the schools. Some details:

Sadly, the US is 111 in murders per capita. Beaten by 110 heavily gun-controlled "paradise" (####hole) countries who, while turning their citizens into disarmed serfs, managed much, much higher per capita murder rates. I doubt very much that any of those "gun control paradises" have an immigration problem.

If it weren't for all these Democrat controlled murder capitals of the US (also gun-control paradises / ####holes), the US would have scored much lower in the per-capita murder rate. 
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C2C February 20, 2018 Future of Humanity / Shield Act

In the first half, theoretical physicist, author, professor of physics, and popularizer of science, Michio Kaku, discussed his latest work which explores the process by which humanity may gradually move away from the planet and develop a sustainable civilization in outer space. The dinosaurs didn't have a "plan B" and got wiped off the planet after an asteroid hit. Kaku recalled how Carl Sagan told him that humans need an "insurance policy" against such a catastrophe and that means getting a contingent off-world. With companies like Elon Musk's SpaceX bringing down the cost of space transport, and NASA going back to the moon in 2019, there is currently more excitement around space endeavors, he indicated.

Travel to Mars is becoming closer to reality, he reported, and the planet has specific geographic features that are suitable to set up outposts, such as lava tubes that are essentially ready-made caves. One of the first projects is to set up a mining operation for ice, which can be separated out into drinking water, oxygen for breathing, and hydrogen for rocket fuel, he detailed, adding that agriculture will follow with genetically modified algae and other plants that can thrive in the harsh Martian climate. He doesn't foresee full-fledged terraforming of the Red Planet taking place until the 22nd century. Kaku also talked about the four types of advanced civilizations, and how Type 3 may use black holes as gateways and power supplies.

In the latter half, David Adair, the "Rocket Man," spoke out about the Shield Act which would harden and protect America's electric grid. The act would create a fund with a $30 billion annual budget to install such things as diverters, switches, surge protectors, and gateways-- hardware proven to work in suppressing the damage from an EMP or CME (coronal mass ejection from the sun), which otherwise could have catastrophic consequences. Republican Senator Lisa Murkowski from Alaska, the chairperson of the committee for the Shield Act, has killed the bill twice in a row, Adair bemoaned, and she disbanded the congressional commission to study it, even though it had bipartisan support.

If North Korea dropped an atomic weapon in the atmosphere over America, the EMP waves would cause transformers to detonate across the continent, he warned, which would have the effect of napalm. Shortly after that, every plane in the sky will crash down (about 500,000 people are in the air at any time), he continued, adding that all telecommunications will be out. A massive CME would be even worse, he cited, as the effects would likely be global rather than confined to a specific region. He also described what would happen at atomic plants during these events with meltdowns leading to widespread contamination. According to Adair, the Fukushima effects have been under-reported, and once when he swept a Geiger counter over a can of tuna at a grocery store, it detected radiation.

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Tuesday, February 20, 2018

C2C February 19, 2018 Alternative Health / Psychic Profiler

In the first half, registered pharmacist, nutritionist and cosmetic chemist, Ben Fuchs shared alternative health concepts, and offered tips on supplements and healthy changes to one's diet and lifestyle. For those already on pharmacological medications, it's even more critical to supplement with various nutrients, he suggested, such as vitamin C-- "one of the most powerful detoxifying supplements on the planet," as well as vitamin E, and selenium. Diabetes is an American epidemic, he continued, but what's missed about it is that it begins in the digestive system, and that's why fasting and reducing caloric intake can be powerful methods that help calm and restore the body.

The idea that there is one specific nutrient for every disease state is somewhat misleading, said Fuchs, who added that "nutrients are like positions on a baseball team. No matter how good your team is...if you don't have a third baseman, you've got a hole." He also talked about why he believes cholesterol is the "most important molecule in your body" and that when people get high LDL numbers, it's a measure of lipoprotein not cholesterol, and indicates someone is under a lot of stress, and eating too much sugar.
In the latter half, psychic criminal profiler Robbie Thomas discussed how he's used his psychic ability to help law enforcement and families get justice and solve mysteries related to heinous crimes, including finding kidnapping victims alive, and even saving a patient who was about to be taken off life support. One of his first cases with law enforcement involved them questioning him about a missing producer on a TV show whom they suspected was dead. Thomas correctly intuited that the producer was still alive, though in a different state, and was just upset (he had been turned down for a promotion).

Sometimes he gets visions or premonitions, like when he saw an 8-year-old girl placed into a treeline area near a Mennonite village. Two days later, a girl that matched his vision did go missing, but he didn't have enough specific information to warn anyone before it happened. He did share his sketches with law enforcement, and she was found dead in an area similar to what he described. In the case of the patient who was thought to be brain dead, his wife sought out Thomas' help, and he visited the man in the hospital just before they were going to pull the plug. He heard the voice of the man tell him that he'd been given the wrong medicine which was causing his brain to swell. This turned out to be true, and thanks to Robbie's help, he eventually recovered.

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C2C February 18, 2018 Owls & Alien Contact / Golden State Killer

The owl has held a place of reverence and mystique throughout history. And as strange as this might seem, owls are also showing up in conjunction with the UFO experience. Mike Clelland has collected a wealth of first-hand accounts in which owls manifest in moments that surround alien contact. According to Clelland, the owl connection goes beyond the UFO experience to encompass synchronicities, ancient archetypes, dreams, shamanistic experiences, spiritual transformation, and even as a symbol of death in some Native American cultures. He detailed his own encounters on a camping trip 12 years ago when he and an ex-girlfriend had odd interactions with owls on two successive trips, in which the birds repeatedly flew over them at close range.

Owls have been associated with "screen memories" that are thought to be implanted by aliens during abductions as a way of covering their tracks, and indeed Clelland had an occurrence of "missing time" when he was 12-years-old growing up in Michigan, in which he saw a bright orange flash in the night sky. One UFO-experiencer described seeing an impossibly large 4-foot tall owl along the road he was driving along, and feeling menaced by it. He later had a hypnotic regression in which he described the owl as wearing boots, and concluded whatever he saw probably wasn't an owl. Clelland shared a number of other case histories that involved owls in tandem with paranormal or mysterious phenomena such as crop circles, Shadow People, ghosts, and Sasquatch.

He's the most prolific offender the state of California has ever known, yet most people have never heard of the case, and the maniac remains unidentified and unpunished to this day. In the latter half, true crime expert and author, Keith Komos, discussed how after over one hundred burglaries, fifty rapes, possibly a dozen murders, and over a thousand clues, the "Golden State Killer" couldn't be tracked or stopped. Taking place in a time frame before DNA testing, the cases began mainly as rapes in the mid-1970s in Sacramento and towns near there and then extended down to locations in Southern California, where murders took place from 1979 to 1986. After that the trail goes cold.
Though he generally wore a ski mask when committing his brutal attacks, in some cases, he seemed to shoot people because they saw him leaving the scene and possibly might have identified him, Komos reported. There were specific patterns to the crimes that suggested he was likely ex-military, and the victims in the Sacramento area were often in the medical and educational fields, Komos pointed out, adding that the killer typically ate food found in the victim's home, and stole personal items or trinkets. While the 'Golden State Killer' certainly seemed like he was acting on a compulsion to commit the crimes, Komos continued, "modern thinking is that these serial offenders absolutely can stop if they want to," especially if he was getting older and unable to physically escape from the scene as he once did when he was more agile.

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Monday, February 19, 2018

Kelly Guthrie Raley, Florida’s Teacher of the Year Bluntly Writes WHY School Violence Is Out of Control

Kelly Guthrie Raley has been teaching for 20 years and currently educates kids at Eustis Middle School in Lake County, Florida. Just last month she was named the 2017-2018 Teacher of the Year.
The day after the horrific shooting that took place at Marjorie Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, she posted a rant on Facebook that has since gone viral. In the post, she talked about parental responsibility, compassion, and respect…and more than 823,000 people have “liked” the post and agreed with it, while more than 649,000 have shared it with others.

Here’s what Mrs. Raley had to say.

Okay, I’ll be the bad guy and say what no one else is brave enough to say, but wants to say. I’ll take all the criticism and attacks from everyone because you know what? I’m a TEACHER. I live this life daily. And I wouldn’t do anything else! But I also know daily I could end up in an active shooter situation.

Until we, as a country, are willing to get serious and talk about mental health issues, lack of available care for the mental health issues, lack of discipline in the home, horrendous lack of parental support when the schools are trying to control horrible behavior at school (oh no! Not MY KID. What did YOU do to cause my kid to react that way?), lack of moral values, and yes, I’ll say it-violent video games that take away all sensitivity to ANY compassion for others’ lives, as well as reality TV that makes it commonplace for people to constantly scream up in each others’ faces and not value any other person but themselves, we will have a gun problem in school. Our kids don’t understand the permanency of death anymore!!!

I grew up with guns. Everyone knows that. But you know what? My parents NEVER supported any bad behavior from me. I was terrified of doing something bad at school, as I would have not had a life until I corrected the problem and straightened my ass out. My parents invaded my life. They knew where I was ALL the time. They made me have a curfew. They made me wake them up when I got home. They made me respect their rules. They had full control of their house, and at any time could and would go through every inch of my bedroom, backpack, pockets, anything! Parents: it’s time to STEP UP! Be the parent that actually gives a crap! Be the annoying mom that pries and knows what your kid is doing. STOP being their friend. They have enough “friends” at school. Be their parent. Being the “cool mom” means not a damn thing when either your kid is dead or your kid kills other people because they were allowed to have their space and privacy in YOUR HOME. I’ll say it again. My home was filled with guns growing up. For God’s sake, my daddy was an 82nd Airborne Ranger who lost half his face serving our country. But you know what? I never dreamed of shooting anyone with his guns. I never dreamed of taking one! I was taught respect for human life, compassion, rules, common decency, and most of all, I was taught that until I moved out, my life and bedroom wasn’t mine…it was theirs. And they were going to know what was happening because they loved me and wanted the best for me.

There. Say that I’m a horrible person. I didn’t bring up gun control, and I will refuse to debate it with anyone. This post wasn’t about gun control. This was me, loving the crap out of people and wanting the best for them. This was about my school babies and knowing that God created each one for greatness, and just wanting them to reach their futures. It’s about 20 years ago this year I started my teaching career. Violence was not this bad 20 years ago. Lack of compassion wasn’t this bad 20 years ago. And God knows 20 years ago that I wasn’t afraid daily to call a parent because I KNEW that 9 out of 10 would cuss me out, tell me to go to Hell, call the news on me, call the school board on me, or post all over FaceBook about me because I called to let them know what their child chose to do at school…because they are a NORMAL kid!!!!!

Those 17 lives mattered. When are we going to take our own responsibility seriously?

What do you think?

I would have loved for my children to have been in Mrs. Raley’s class because not only is it obvious that she really cares, but also that she has an abundance of common sense, something that has been notably absent in our politically correct school systems.

I raised my kids in much the same way Mrs. Raley refers to having grown up: with rules, curfews, and consequences for their actions. My girls weren’t totally sheltered – they saw violence on television and in movies – but we discussed it. I taught them empathy for other human beings and all creatures. They too, have had access to guns, and know how to use them, but I’ve never once been worried that they’d use them on another human being for any other reason than self-defense in a life-or-death situation.

Like every other parent, I now worry every time my daughters walk out to door to attend their college classes. Because, honestly, it can happen anywhere.

But I sincerely agree with Mrs. Raley.

Guns aren’t the problem. The current culture is the problem.

What do you think?

ALSO see here

and here

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Sunday, February 18, 2018

C2C February 17, 2018 Demonic Possession / Behind the Curtain

When exorcists need help, they call Dr. Richard Gallagher. He's not a priest, but a psychiatrist. Dr. Gallagher joined Richard Syrett to discuss how fighting Satan's minions wasn't part of his career plan while studying medicine at Yale. But, through a series of events he found himself face to face with evil and after witnessing victims suddenly speaking perfect Latin and displaying hidden knowledge, as well as sacred objects flying off shelves, he now believes demonic possession is 100% real (related article).
Followed by former Yale professor and senior business executive Ted Malloch, who is now telling all he knows, from his appointment as scholar-diplomat by the US State Department, to when he peeked behind the curtain at the Davos meeting and lost millions in the dot-com bubble. He revealed what takes place behind-the-scenes of the elite and powerful.

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The Motivation Factor

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C2C February 16, 2018 Strange Happenings in Puerto Rico

For the first time since Hurricane Maria ravaged Puerto Rico, Joshua P. Warren reported live from the island, discussing a variety of weird stories surrounding the storm, the appearance of harbingers that warn of impending tragedies, and bizarre UFO sightings. "Harbingers are these manifestations that occur before some traumatic event," Warren explained, recounting the tale of the Gray Man of Pawleys Island, South Carolina, who warns residents of coming severe storms and hurricanes.
People in Puerto Rico feel hurricanes are living spirits and strange activity usually accompanies them, he continued. On the island there have been reports over the last decade of a six-foot-tall Gargola with bat wings and a Doberman Pinscher snout spotted ahead of hurricanes. "They would see the Gargola flying around the sky at night, sometimes he would just be seen walking through a field or across the road," he said. According to Warren, he has spoken to five active duty police officers who claimed to have seen the Gargola.

Other Puerto Rican residents have reportedly witnessed balls of light hovering in their bedrooms at night. "When people wake up and see this in the bedroom they are absolutely petrified," Warren said. The balls of light emit a sound that females hear as a sped-up recording and males hear as a voice announcing the coming of a major event with assurances the couple will be safe, Warren, revealed. The sightings of harbingers may involve a build up and discharge of energy associated with the forthcoming occurrence, he noted.

Increased military presence since the last hurricane has brought an uptick in sightings of strange craft, Warren reported. At an airport near Laguna Cartagena, where some believe there is an underwater UFO base, a towering object was spotted in the background of a series of photos. Locals have developed a conspiracy theory about the intelligence behind these UFOs working with military, and how the hurricane may have been influenced to create the tragedy, Warren disclosed. "A lot of these people believe that there are beings on this island that look more or less like humans but that they are not actually humans," he said.

Warren also unveiled a new system he's developed to help "hack reality" by matching your personality type with a method that works for you. "The idea is to teach everyone techniques to, sort of, beat the system and improve your luck in life—to attain what I call lucid living," he said. Warren suggested reality is a dream and individuals can take control of it using his techniques. He is offering a one-time-only teaching event for 100 people in Las Vegas. Get more info here.

The last hour of the program featured Open Lines.

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C2C February 15, 2018 True Crime Narratives / Messages from Heaven

Former weekend host , Ian Punnett, returned to graduate school after a successful decades-long career in commercial radio and television and will be a professor of multimedia journalism in the fall. In the first half, he discussed his dissertation on true crime narratives. The genre of true crime, he explained, is different than standard journalism-- it often takes a particular point of view, serves as a warning, and can be critical of law enforcement. Perhaps the first true crime story was that of Cain and Abel from the Bible, said Ian, adding that with this kind of account there's "an interest in conveying messages of morality, messages of even hope and what's going on in Florida."

Another early form of true crime story, Ian recounted, was the execution sermons dating back to colonial America. Circuit preachers would ride to different towns, meeting with the condemned and talking with them about how their story would be told before they were executed. "There was a truth that would come out of this horrible event, which they could use to teach their children," he added. With many killers today, such as in the school shootings, it isn't just a matter of mental illness, but that they seem to be chasing a kind of instant fame or infamy, and we have to figure that out in our culture, as much as we do the gun issue, Ian suggested.
A graduate of Harvard University and NYU School of Medicine, Dr. Leo Galland is a world leader in integrative medicine. In the latter half, he shared his spiritual epiphanies and evidence for the immortality of the soul which were presented to him after the death of his brain-damaged special needs child, Christopher, who drowned at the age of 22. At the time of his death, he and his wife witnessed an intense glowing light filling the room. In the center of the light, was a figure with Christopher's face, radiating a joy, bliss, and freedom, "unlike anything I'd ever experienced or imagined," Galland recalled of the astonishing supernatural event.

Later, he was awakened by Christopher's voice at 3 AM, saying "you have to tell my story. People need to know." Over the course of a year, his spirit communicated with him about experiences in the afterlife, which dovetailed with sacred ancient wisdom traditions, such that their roles were reversed with Dr. Galland the student, and Christopher, the teacher. "It's what I always wanted," Chris said about heaven. "Everyone is here, even you." There is only one moment that encompasses all of time, and heaven is not something that occurs after you die, he explained, adding that heaven and Earth exist simultaneously as unified opposites.

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Friday, February 16, 2018

Another Horrific Shooting | The Ben Shapiro Show Ep. 476

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C2C February 14, 2018 Extreme Economy / Ghost Investigation Tools

In the first half, John Truman Wolfe, the editor/publisher of The Hard Truth magazine, shared his analysis of the extreme conditions in the financial markets and what to expect for the rest of 2018. While he doesn't believe the market has reached its peak yet, he predicts a crash of stocks worse than in 2008. They'll fall some 10,000 points, possibly later this year, he believes. If war and global unrest worsen, he expects that precious metals will begin to rise in value, as well as during a stock slide.
The primary purpose of the 2008 financial crisis, he argued, was to take down the US dollar as the world's reserve currency. Wolfe expressed concern over "bail-ins," a newly implemented banking process, which involves troubled banks converting depositors' money into bank stock. In his recent book, he lists around 100 banks in America, which are independent, and not subject to these bail-ins. He named the Bank for International Settlements, based in Switzerland, as "the wizard" behind the financial curtain, dictating policy for 55 central banks around the world. While Wolfe considers cryptocurrencies to be highly volatile, they're here to stay, he said, and investors might consider putting about 1% of their funds into this market.

Paranormal investigator, minister, and radio host Ted VanSon has been passionate about the unknown for over 30 years. In the latter half, he detailed the various ways ghosts and EVP are captured and how technology is changing the way investigators attempt to record various phenomena. Ted described low budget ways the average person can investigate on their own, such as using simple things you have in your home like balloons and magnets. While he retains a skeptical stance in his investigations, he's definitely seen things he can't explain.

At a long-running investigation of a house in upstate New York, he was shocked to see an opaque shadow crawl up a wall toward the ceiling, "and it kind of melted into the wall." It was the size of an 8-year old child with two legs and, strangely, four arms. Two EMF meters running in the area returned anomalous readings at the time, but later they read as normal, he reported. However, a video camera that was on did not capture the shadow, and in some cases, it seems that apparitions may have some type of ability to evade capture on camera equipment, he suggested.

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Wednesday, February 14, 2018

C2C February 13, 2018 Benefits of Meditation / Other Side Communications

Dan Harris is a correspondent for ABC News and the co-anchor for the weekend edition of Good Morning America. In the first half, he talked about his efforts helping average people add meditation to their daily lives, to maximize their potential and reap such benefits as lower blood pressure, reduced anxiety, and literally rewire parts of the brain. Harris advocates for a kind of mindfulness meditation, in which a person sits with their back straight, monitoring their breath and thought process, noticing when they are distracted by thoughts. After his first book on meditation, he discovered that many people were resistant to this practice, so he set off on a cross-country road trip to find out what the obstacles were for most Americans.

One of the main excuses he heard was that people just don't have time to meditate. "The good news is," he said, "I honestly think five to ten minutes a day" can be quite worthwhile for people, allowing them to accrue many of the benefits demonstrated in scientific studies. The other biggest obstacle to meditation is that people say they have great difficulty clearing their mind. "The goal in meditation is not to clear your mind, impossible. The to focus your mind for a few nanoseconds at a time; usually it's on the feeling of your breath going in and out, and then you will inevitably get distracted," he explained. The realization of the distraction is a victory, he continued, as this reveals how the thought process functions, and helps the meditator wake up from their "auto pilot" reality. For more, check out the 10% Happier app and podcast.

Intuitive medium, author, and educator Geoffrey Jowett is helping others on their journey of enlightenment by recognizing that each of us is an eternal and infinite part of God and that our sole purpose in life is to perpetuate divine love. In the latter half, he discussed his abilities as a medium, and what he's learned about spirits and the afterlife. His strongest connection is through clairaudience, or auditory intuition, in which he hears the voice of spirit, and gathers feelings from that. Spirits, he noted, often seek to help others (particularly those in their soul family) get past barriers or obstacles in their lives, such as those built around emotions, or beliefs. And through these progressions, the spirits learn through us and evolve, he added.

We are all part of source, and have unlimited potential beyond the physical, Jowett said, and there's an infinite aspect to ourselves. He specializes in "soul progression" readings, in which he gets a sense of a person's soul agreement, past lives and karma. "It's interesting to look at disease within a family because there's an association" beyond the physical, he remarked. For instance, if within a family they have a lot of issues with self-esteem and self-respect you can see diabetes, liver, pancreatic cancer, intestinal problems-- "they're very specific to that area of the body," he pointed out, citing the work of one medical intuitive who has stated that the 'physical body is your walking bibliography of everything you think, feel, believe and do.'

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Gerald Stanley vs Colten Boushie Half of prospective jurors were Aboriginal, says member of jury pool

Almost half of the prospective jurors in the Colten Boushie case were Aboriginal persons, according to one member of the jury pool.

However, the reason there were no Aboriginal Canadians on the jury in this controversial case is because so many deliberately opted out of the process. Other First Nations prospective jurors, meanwhile, were openly and outwardly biased during the selection process, according to one prospective juror who spoke to the Sun.

The witness, who the Sun is choosing not to identify, was present for jury selection in the Boushie case. The person described the scene as a “large gymnasium turned into a courtroom” in Battleford, Saskatchewan.

Media reports state that 700 people received jury duty notice for the case, and of that, only about 200 showed up that Monday morning.

“I sat at the back and got a better idea of who was all there,” said the prospective juror. “On one side of the room, it was primarily Caucasian people, with a few Filipinos, a couple black people, and peppered in was a handful of First Nations people,” the person recalls.

“On the other side of the room, it was maybe three-quarters First Nations people,” the person said, estimating that approximately 85-100 of the initial 200 prospective jurors were Aboriginal.

The person explained the process that day, as a judge asked if anyone in the room wanted to be excused or disqualified from sitting on a jury in this case. Individuals with a conflict – a relationship with either family or a scheduling conflict – could request to be recused from being selected for the trial.

According to the prospective juror, who did not go on to serve on the jury, a significant number of Aboriginal people in the room asked to be disqualified, either because they had a relationship with Colten Boushie’s family or because of other circumstances that made them unavailable.

The person estimates that more than half of the Aboriginal people were granted permission by the judge to be exempt from the trial and free to go home.

As the prospective jury describes, some of the remaining 45 or so were vocal in expressing their bias and signalling to everyone in the room they were unfit to serve on the jury.

“You could audibly hear some of them talking amongst themselves, discussing how they were going to hang Stanley, or they were going to make sure he gets hung, or that if they don’t get the results they want, that they were going to handle it themselves,” the person said of the Aboriginal people who remained. This account comes from one individual who spoke with the Sun, and has not yet been corroborated by other witnesses.

“The thing that was the most shocking to me was the fact that they were so audible from where I was sitting (across the room) and there were police scattered throughout the room. No one stopped them.”

The jury’s acquittal elicited a variety of strong reactions from Canadians online. Over the weekend, lawyers and other experts criticized Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Justice Minister Jody Wilson-Raybould for issuing social media posts that appeared to criticize the jury’s decision.

On Monday, Wilson-Raybould said changes to jury selection were coming soon. “We are looking at peremptory challenges,” she said, also noting that those changes would aim to “substantially improve the criminal system and the jury selection process.”

But according to the prospective juror, the selection process was random and seemed fair. Of the remaining potential jurors, “everyone was assigned a number and they literally pulled numbers from a bucket. It was totally random,” the person said, whose own number was not selected.

Some media outlets have reported that every prospective juror who appeared to be Aboriginal was challenged and essentially vetoed by the defense council. 

The prospective juror also dismissed that idea, suggesting the defence council challenged individuals who had made openly biased comments. Besides, the person added, “they were challenging white people too.” 

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C2C February 12, 2018 Grassroots Activism/ Modern Witchcraft

Ralph Nader and the dozens of citizen groups he's founded have helped foster safer cars, healthier food, better air, cleaner water, and safer workplaces. In the first half, he discussed his relentless drive for grassroots activism and democratic change. He recalled his groundbreaking work in the mid-1960s when he challenged General Motors and other companies for selling unsafely designed automobiles that favored horsepower and style, and suppressed the work of its best engineers when it came to consumer safety. To elicit major change, he explained, it just takes about 1% of active citizens in a given congressional district; they should gather evidence and public opinion and present it with a laser focus to their senators and representatives.

While there are a number of ongoing disagreements between conservatives and liberals, Nader suggested that a kind of "divide and rule" strategy was in play by the two major American political parties who use these divisions to help raise money. There are some 24 major areas that conservatives and liberals share similar viewpoints, he cited, including living wage, cracking down on corporate crime and Wall St. crooks, full Medicare for all, and breaking up the big banks-- so there is plenty of room for consensus by legislators on many issues. Nader also mentioned how he helped found the American Museum of Tort Law in Connecticut, which documents cases of wrongful injury.

Author of bestselling books about modern witchcraft, Fiona Horne is also a commercial pilot, skydiver, and professional fire dancer. In the latter half, she talked about the role of witchcraft in her success, as well as her work as a humanitarian aid worker to impoverished and hurricane damaged communities in the Caribbean. While the Hollywood stereotype of the evil witch is perhaps necessary for the marketing of horror films, modern witchcraft, she said, is actually about honoring nature as sacred, improving aspects of the planet, and conducting spells and rituals to foster auspicious circumstances and healing.

Horne recounted how when she moved from Los Angeles to the Caribbean more than five years ago, she found a new path in her life, becoming trained as a pilot, and working with the Good Samaritan Foundation. She has recently flown on missions to deliver food and goods to storm-ravaged Haiti. Perhaps because of her new calling, Fiona has come to believe that the kind of spells that work best are when a person seeks a goal that will be useful in the world, rather than just something for individual betterment. Her next book, she announced, will explore how to live a purposeful life as a modern witch and combine eco-consciousness with daily practices.

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Monday, February 12, 2018

C2C February 11, 2018 Hauntings & Apparitions

Clinical therapist and parapsychologist Brandon Massullo joined Dave Schrader (email) to discuss cutting-edge research and theories that might explain apparitions, hauntings, and communications from the dead, along with the latest research on the role of the witness in hauntings. Massullo recalled that his interest in the subject began with a high school friend who had a terrifying ghost encounter during a sleep-over. Soon after, Massullo began reading all the parapsychology and ghost hunting books he could get his hands on. He said one of the best books on apparitions is Phantasms of the Living, published in 1886. Massullo attended the University of Edinburgh in Scotland, one of the only institutions which has a parapsychology department. He remains fascinated with the subject, because he says that encounters with the paranormal "are life changing events" for the witnesses.

Massullo urges caution when researching Electronic Voice Phenomena (EVP) because "our brains fill in spots and fill in sounds to make our lives little bit easier," which makes us want to see patterns and hear words that are not there. He also believes that there is no real scientific way to study paranormal events, because "paranormal phenomena are…everything that the scientific method hates," since most of the effects are not reproducible on demand. Because of this problem, Massullo offered the opinion that the best way to study these occurrences is to talk to the witnesses in detail. Although he does not think that we can reliably produce these events, one of the keys to progress may lie with a calm state of mind and the sort of people who are generally more sensitive to things in their environment.
In the latter half, author and paranormal expert Richard Estep talked about his intensive research into haunted Gettysburg, and his tour of the battlefield where ghosts of long-dead Civil War soldiers are said to still march. Estep has conducted field work at the site and is convinced that it is one of the most haunted places in the nation, if not the world. He believes that the suffering and the deaths associated with the area have contributed to its supercharged atmosphere, which he says is "deeply spiritual, especially at sunrise and sunset." He has recorded the sounds of voices and cannon fire at various locations in the area, particularly where decisive and deadly fighting took place, although nothing was heard at the time of the recording.

Estep and his colleagues have also spent time at the Fairfield Inn, located a few miles from Gettysburg. He thinks that the building, which has existed in the site since the late 1700s, and was used as a battlefield hospital where thousands of amputations and deaths took place is a good candidate for haunting activity. A wide variety of paranormal phenomena has occurred here, which Estep believes can be "stimluated" at the location, with the right techniques. He is not a fan of using overt amounts of technical equipment to survey and research haunted sites, and says that he has become less of a "tech head" as his investigations continue. The best way to experience anomalous activity, he says, is to use your own senses. He concluded that no matter what your beliefs, listeners should "visit the site yourself and walk the ground yourself."

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Sunday, February 11, 2018

C2C February 10, 2018 Near-Death Experience / Space Exploration

The day her son was born, she died. Premonitions told her it was going to happen, but no one believed her. Even more unbelievable is what she saw when she flat-lined for 37 seconds. What Stephanie Arnold brought back was the hope, strength, and understanding of the light existing within and around all of us. In the first half of the program, she joined guest host Dave Schrader (email) to discuss her remarkable near-death experience and the "sixth sense" she believes every human being has inside on them.

In the latter half of the show, Jim Bell, professor at the School of Earth and Space Exploration at Arizona State University, talked about the recent SpaceX rocket launch and space exploration.

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