Friday, September 14, 2012

52 Weeks to Preparedness: An Introduction to Emergency Preparedness and Disaster Planning

Because preparedness is something very dear to me, I have made it a personal goal of mine to get as many people prepared as I can. The most important tool I can provide through this website is empowerment through knowledge and preparedness tips, for myself and others. Education, family-based preparedness, and survival kits may make all the difference when life presents you with a disaster. I have challenged Ready Nutrition readers to beef up their preparedness efforts in order to get ready for life’s unexpected events.

The 52 Weeks to Preparedness™* series is an extension of that challenge. This series will help each of you begin creating a preparedness foundation that you and your family can rely on when unexpected situations present themselves. On this 52 week long journey, each week we will build upon our existing preparedness items as well as focus on a different preparedness layer.

You can visit our 52 Weeks to Preparedness section to catch up on any previous weeks you may have missed. To stay up to date sign up for our Get Prepped weekly newsletter and have each week of preparedness recommendations, tips and information delivered directly to your inbox.

Please bookmark us.

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