The 2012 Olympic games in London England will be the 30th or XXX games. XXX extends within occult symbolism and numerology. Considering the Pyramid shaped Olympic lighting system over the Grandstand, the biblical names of the streets, the logo that spells “Zion”, and the two odd looking Mascots—I am totally convinced that the Occult will use the 2012 Olympics to Anoint the Antichrist (Man of Lawlessness) who entered his host human body around November 1 2010, and possibly with 32 of his cohorts.
Occult Numerology Behind XXX: XXX reveals possible covert numerology of 11:11:11 = 33, the prime number of the Occult.
30 reduces as 3 which is the foundational number of the Lower Entities. 3 represents the three demoted groups of the darkness of the Spirit World.
A double or triple of 3 becomes a power number.
Roman Numerals XXX = 30 = 3
Prior Olympics with the X:
The 1972 Munich Olympics were host to the first ‘official’ global terrorist attack, in which 11 Israelis were killed by Black September (the 9th month – 9/11), a group with ties to YasserArafat’s Fatah organization. The Olympics were host to 121 countries:
The emblem of the games was a blue solar logo (the “Bright Sun”).
X Olympiad – The Los Angeles (The Angels) Summer Olympics of 1932:
The 1932 Summer Olympics, officially known as the Games of the X Olympiad, were celebrated in 1932 in Los Angeles, California, United States. No other cities made a bid to host these Olympics. Held during the worldwide Great Depression, many nations and athletes were unable to pay for the trip to Los Angeles. Fewer than half the number of participants from the 1928 Summer Olympics in Amsterdam competed in 1932.The Games of the X Olympiad were also the first to use the victory podium symbolizing a pyramid.
The Symbolism of XXX:
‘Chi’ is the 22nd letter of the Greek alphabet = 11:11‘Chi’ or ‘X’ were the origins of the Chinese word ‘Qi’ meaning ‘life force’ or ‘energy flow’. ‘Chi’ was also the origins of the Japanese word ‘Ki’, as in ‘Reiki’. ‘Chi’ also features in ‘Tai Chi’. The letter X or ‘Chi’ strongly relates to ‘spirit’. The Spirit Of X or ‘Chi’
Chi or X is often used to abbreviate the name Christ, as in the holiday Christmas (Xmas).
The foundational occult number of 3 = Roman Numerals XXX = 30
3 symbolizes the three different forms of the Lower Entities that form the “Trinity”. XXX symbolizes the trinity, much like the early Egyptian creation trinity of Osiris (Baal the Master), Isis (Fertility goddess, and Horus (Moon god).The Name Jesus Christ, the “Son Of God” can be attributed to the sun, much like Horus – the son figure of the Egyptian trinity.
This is not a reference to the Anointed Master of the Light—Yeshua.
A mark indicating “extra strong”
Especially applied to Alcoholic beverages.Traditionally applied by brewers to barrels of full-strength beer.
A designation for an alcohol concentration in moonshine, sometimes used as a generic depiction of distilled spirits.
.xxx, an approved top-level domain intended as a voluntary option for sexually explicit sites on the Internet.
Mommy XXX, a porn reality show featuring Demi Delia.
Other items, products supposed to be especially strong or effective.
A Warning or Danger Signal:
An indication of urgency in radio communication, less urgent thanSOS.
In computer programming, XXX is a comment to warn other programmers of problematic or misleading code.
Affectionate Letters:
xxx (usually lower case), as often used at the bottom of affectionate letters or emails.Three kisses, three loving words I love you (each denoted by an x, often used with ‘o’ to mean a hug: e.g. xox, oxo).
Kisses on a letter, e-mail or greetings card.
The number 666 in Pythagorean numerology. X is the 24th letter of the English alphabet, 2+4/2+4/2+4 = 666.
Also May Include:
- xXx, a 2002 action film starring Vin Diesel
- xXx: State of the Union, the 2005 sequel starring Ice Cube
- xXx: The Return of Xander Cage, the 2011 sequel of xXx starring Vin Diesel
- XXX (album), a 1999 album by the rock band ZZ Top
- XXX: Exklusibong, Explosibong, Exposé, a Philippine current affairs television show
- XXX, the ISO 4217 currency code for “no currency”
- e-print archive, formerly known as
- XXX Cantos, a poem by Ezra Pound
- A symbol of the straight edge lifestyle
- A shortened version of “XXXL”, a plus size clothing size
- A reference to Amsterdam, after the three crosses on the Coat of arms of Amsterdam
- A flavor of Vitamin Water
- Agent XXX, the code name for Anya Amasova, a fictional character in the James Bond franchise
The skull and crossbones symbol was used to label containers of poisonous substances, alongside the ‘XXX’ symbol.
Triple X may refer to:
- Triple X syndrome, a chromosomal abnormality
- Triple X (professional wrestling), a former wrestling stable in Total Nonstop Action Wrestling
- Triple X Wrestling, a professional wrestling promotion, based in Coventry, U.K.
- Triple X ESPN Radio, a trio of sports radio stations in the Washington, D.C. area
- Triple X Records of Los Angeles
- Triple X, a band which has covered “The X-Files” theme in 1996
- WXXX, a radio station in Vermont known as “95 Triple X”
- Triple X, the code name of ghost prisoner Hiwa Abdul Rahman Rashul
- Triple X, an anime studio
- Triple X, a strong beer made by Molson
The Collective Consciousness under the Deception
of a sub-consciousness Matrix has been deluded for centuries under the
power of the darkness who use negative emotion and idolatrous religion.
The teaching of “One Messiah” is false, and Messiah does not define as
“Savior”. The affirmative definition of Messiah is “Anointed”.
There should be no doubt that the 2012 Olympics in London England is a staging zone to Anoint the Master of the Darkness (Antichrist) who entered into his host human body during 2010, including 32 of his cohorts. The timing is perfect for the Activation of the New World Order on 12/21/2012.
Possibly this Anointing Event will be under the disguise of a ritual surrounding Prince William.
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