Simon Black on the Kerry Lutz report talks about the concept of PT or Perpetual Traveler . The ultimate way to avoid government control of your life and your property is to become invisible. Ideally, you should never "belong" to any one government PT is both a lifestyle and a philosophy. A PT is a perpetual traveler, permanent tourist, prior taxpayer. Learn how to minimize government interference and maximize freedom.With the correct mindset frugal living becomes enjoyable and an area which should be revisited frequently as your wealth grows.The ultimate way to avoid government control of your life and your property is to become invisible Become a PT (perpetual traveler) - the idea is that governments treat you as a tourist and never as a citizen which means you don't have to pay any income tax to that government and say bye bye big brother.Big Brother should never know who your are, where you live, how you make your money, where you keep your assets, and perhaps most important, where you like to “play.In a nutshell, a PT merely arranges his or her 'paperwork' in such a way that all governments consider him a tourist - a person who is just 'Passing Through.'PT concept could have been called Individual Sovereignty,Learn How to take your money out of the country before your country takes the money out of you become an Invisible Investor , learn to bank offshore live tax free become free and sovereign.... Beat Big Brother become a PT Perpetual Traveler regain your Individual Sovereignty
"The vast majority of people in the world are followers, mere sheep with no particular desire for freedom, nor any wish to be allowed to think for themselves or provide for themselves. They want to have leaders, gurus and to be told exactly what to do and how to think. The majority want someone to take care of them, to make decisions for them and to have the security of belonging to a group, a country, a church, a club that will protect them. They have low levels of self-confidence and a great respect for authority. They have been conned." wrote famous PT guru and author
W.G. Hill in his book "The Passport Report I"
"Becoming a PT is not a static thing that you can do once, and then, like obtaining a diploma, just hang it on the wall. PT is a way of thinking, something far more than a mere occupation or even a lifestyle. It is a state of being. . . The variations and possibilities are infinite-PTs can have real freedom in an unfree world." W.G. Hill
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