The Statistics:
- Date-Time:
- Friday, March 11, 2011 at 05:46:23 UTC
- Friday, March 11, 2011 at 02:46:23 PM at epicenter
- Location: 38.322°N, 142.369°E
- Depth: 24.4 km (15.2 miles) set by location program
- Distances:
- 130 km (80 miles) E of Sendai, Honshu, Japan
- 178 km (110 miles) E of Yamagata, Honshu, Japan
- 178 km (110 miles) ENE of Fukushima, Honshu, Japan
- 373 km (231 miles) NE of TOKYO, Japan
Occult Numerology:
3/11/2011 = 9 = The power number of 333, or could be broken down into 3:11:11:11.
The prime power number of 333 creates a strong Occult date and opens the door for manipulation.
The time of occurrence UTC 05:46:23 = 20 reduces as 5555, 5 is the death number.
The Next Occult Date 3/22/2011 = 11
Japan is NOT directly connected to the March 19 2011 SuperMoon Alignment stated by Richard Nolle.
The HAARP Induction Magnetometer
The HAARP induction magnetometer was full on for 3/11/11 to cause a powerful earthquake. Sure enough, the day after of electromagnetic silence on 3/9/11, HAARP was turned on at approximately 0:00 hours on 3/10/11 UTC and was turned off approximately 10am on 3/12/11.
The image below is a time-frequency spectrogram, which shows the frequency content of signals recorded by the . This instrument, provided by the University of Tokyo, measures temporal variations in the geomagnetic field in the ULF (ultra-low frequency) range of 0-5 Hz. The spectrogram images are produced by computing the PSD (power spectral density) of successive 102.4-second segments of time-series data, and plotting these spectra as color/intensity slices along a 24-hour scale. Here is the data for the last 36 hours:
The induction magnetometer installed at the HAARP site is designed to detect a signal level of a few picoTesla (pT) at 1 Hz. The over all frequency response of the magnetometer is shaped by Faraday’s law at frequencies below 1 Hz and by active filters at frequencies above 1 Hz. Below 1 Hz the coil response is proportional to the time derivative of the magnetic field and thereby gives a response proportional to the frequency. Above 1 Hz, signals are suppressed by a low-pass filter with a corner frequency at 2.5 Hz. The filter response diminishes by 24 dB per octave above the corner frequency and thereby eliminates interference from 60 Hz radiation. The magnetometer sensors are aligned along the magnetic north, magnetic east and vertical directions to form an orthogonal measure of the derivative of the field. The sensor outputs are amplified by 40,000 and sampled at a 10 Hz rate with 16-bit resolution in a full scale of 10 Volts.
HAARP Data Index
Provided by University of Tokyo HAARP Induction Magnetometer
The HAARP Fluxgate Magnetometer
The chart below is a running 36 hour plot of the readings taken from the fluxgate magnetometer, built by the University of Alaska, Geophysical Institute, operating at the HAARP ionospheric observatory in Gakona, Alaska. The three traces represent mutually orthogonal components of the earth’s magnetic field as follows:
The “H” component (black trace) is positive magnetic northward
The “D” component (red trace) is positive eastward
The “Z” component (blue trace) is positive downward
Geomagnetic storminess is usually indicated in oscillatory variations in the earth’s magnetic field. Additional detail concerning the nature and severity of the ionospheric disturbance can be found through analysis of the three components of the field.
Movies released on 3/11/11 relating to the New World Order:
Black Death Pestilence Invasion.
Battle: Los Angeles Alien Invasion.
Other Movies released on 3/11/11
Red Riding Hood
Mars Needs Moms
Jane Eyre
Kill the Irishman
Another View of the Circumstances of Natural Disasters
(TheWeatherSpace.com) — Oil prices have dropped below $100 a barrel after Japan’s record setting Earthquake.
Call it what you will, but economists are actually excited for this, including investors. Investors have poured into TheWeatherSpace.com’s contact e-mail stating this is actually good for business.
Japan will need to rebuild and this will help businesses across the world, bringing more jobs to the area.
Investors look ahead, whether hurricane or earthquake disasters. Despite on the many lost in Japan, investors seem excited.
While TheWeatherSpace.com does not endorse the action of the investors, we are not to judge how businesses make their money.Conspiracy theorists have flocked the Web, claiming the quake was triggered by a project known as HAARP, creating an earthquake situation to get prices down and the economy level.
Those accusations can only be taken so far, but there is no scientific evidence that HAARP can or cannot create these types of events.
There should be no doubt that the evil occult Illuminati caused this powerful earthquake with modern technology in Japan by considering the above charts and the prime Occult Date of 3/11/11.
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